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Maybe Flukes?


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I have a planted community tank where some fish exhibit flashing against plants and hardscape.

At first, I thought it was Ich but after watching closely, none of the fish had white spots.

Then, a local fish store owner suggested that the flashing could be from Flukes & that I should dose some Paracleanse.

After that conversation, I learned as much as I could about Flukes & it's symptoms but other than the flashing, I'd say that none of the fish exhibit them (ie: loss of appetite, labored breathing, lethargy etc).

All of the fish are active, are ALWAYS hungry & some are breeding.

With all that said, is it recommended to still dose Paracleanse just in case?

Thanks in advance!

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Not all of the fish flash, just some.

Out of 4 species, I think I've only seen my Luminatus & Borellii flash.

I'd say when they flash, it's 2 -4 times each episode & then they go back to normal.

In a day, I might notice 2 - 4 episodes but I'm not watching the tank all day.

If it matters, my water parameters are stable at:

  • Ammonia: 0    
  • Nitrate: 10    
  • Nitrite: 0    
  • Hardness (GH): 150    
  • Buffer (KH): 80    
  • PH: 6.8    
  • Chlorine: 0

Full disclaimer: I'm a fairly new to fish keeping.



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Interesting. The reason I asked is if I saw one fish flash every once in a while, I would assume it was a random itch. I’ve definitely seen this in my tanks, but it’s pretty rare. 

If I saw multiple fish, doing it more often, and multiple “episodes” per day, I might question it a little further. Did you quarantine your fish? The reason I ask is because I do, and I use the med trio on all fish brought into my house. I know some people don’t like to use meds prophylactically, but I see it no different than the vaccines I give my dog, or even myself. All that is to say, if you think you need to medicate your fish you totally can. 

Also, salt can be magical. I’ve beaten ich and other cysts and things with just salt in the past. 

@Colu is the resident expert on disease and treatments. What do you think, @Colu

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Unfortunately, I only have 1 tank so I wasn't able to quarantine.

Up until now, I haven't used any meds but I'm tempted to dose Paracleanse now just to get a baseline for the fish health.

I looked into using salt but my tank is planted so I think that rules out that option.

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On 4/12/2024 at 5:34 AM, Static said:

Unfortunately, I only have 1 tank so I wasn't able to quarantine.

Up until now, I haven't used any meds but I'm tempted to dose Paracleanse now just to get a baseline for the fish health.

I looked into using salt but my tank is planted so I think that rules out that option.

Occasional flashing I wouldn't be to concerned about with what your describing I would definitely treat with paracleanse it can take 3 full courses of treatment 2 weeks apart so you would treat on week 1 week 3 week 5 

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It’s flukes, paracleanse in my experience is no longer effective against flukes but is worth a try if you already have it. I would use this instead.


if you have plecos, don’t use the above and cross fingers for paracleanse to be effective. Prazipro is another option but like I mention, is no longer effective with resistance strains of flukes.

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On 4/12/2024 at 3:59 AM, Colu said:

Occasional flashing I wouldn't be to concerned about with what your describing I would definitely treat with paracleanse it can take 3 full courses of treatment 2 weeks apart so you would treat on week 1 week 3 week 5 

For this course of treatment, do you recommend following the box instructions or Aquarium CoOps method of 1 pack per 10 gallons per week?

On 4/12/2024 at 7:11 AM, Mmiller2001 said:

It’s flukes, paracleanse in my experience is no longer effective against flukes but is worth a try if you already have it. I would use this instead.


if you have plecos, don’t use the above and cross fingers for paracleanse to be effective. Prazipro is another option but like I mention, is no longer effective with resistance strains of flukes.

Thanks! I'll keep this in mind if Paracleanse doesn't fix the issue.

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On 4/12/2024 at 5:22 PM, Static said:

For this course of treatment, do you recommend following the box instructions or Aquarium CoOps method of 1 pack per 10 gallons per week?

Thanks! I'll keep this in mind if Paracleanse doesn't fix the issue.

 co-op treatment is a preventive treatment so dose following instructions on the box if you have an active infection 

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Posted (edited)
On 4/12/2024 at 2:55 PM, Colu said:

 co-op treatment is a preventive treatment so dose following instructions on the box if you have an active infection 

Sounds good. Thanks!

On 4/12/2024 at 1:59 PM, Mmiller2001 said:


will do, thanks!

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@Colu quick question:

I'm on Day 5 of the first treatment & I'm still seeing fish flashing.

Is this  normal or should I be considering using something stronger like the Cloverleaf Absolute Wormer Plus?

Thanks in advance!


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Posted (edited)

@Colu quick question:

I'm on Day 5 of the first treatment & I'm still seeing fish flashing.

Is this  normal or should I be considering using something stronger like the Cloverleaf Absolute Wormer Plus?

Thanks in advance!


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On 4/16/2024 at 8:06 PM, Static said:
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@Colu quick question:

I'm on Day 5 of the first treatment & I'm still seeing fish flashing.

Is this  normal or should I be considering using something stronger like the Cloverleaf Absolute Wormer Plus?

Thanks in advance!

 it you will usually take two weeks before they stop flashing 

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