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Betta and neocaridina?

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Hey everyone! New here but have kept several betta tanks in the past, but this time I’m keeping cherry shrimp with my very docile betta. I have never seen him show anything but inquisitiveness towards the shrimps, although he does seem to enjoy eating their food except for when one of the bigger females are eating it he just stares at it. 

my question here is, how do shrimp tolerate other fish such as more aggressive male bettas. I’ve had big box aquarium workers tell me it’s not a good idea at all(after I added the two species) cause the betta will bully them and stress them out. What are your opinions on the matter? 

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A more aggressive betta will pick on small shrimp and take out the shimplets however Amano shrimp do okay with more aggressive bettas because they are bigger than other ornamental shrimp. As you have experienced though it really come down to the personality of the betta if you are going to face a shrimp massacre or the species coexist.

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Bettas are not usually aggressive to other fish. mostly just other bettas. that said, most fish will see shrimp as being very tasty. unless they're too small to eat them. at the very least shrimplettes are going to go missing. depending on the size of your shrimp colony, that may not make a difference. If it's a new colony, they may not have enough time to get established.

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In my experience, betta being added last to a tank works much better than other fish and inverts being added to a tank later on.

That being said, I have never witnessed any of my bettas actively hunting adult shrimp. They should be hunting the shrimplettes tho, as the population never bloomed ever in any betta tank.


That being said, you should have an answer of one question in these type of scenarios. "What if it doesn't work?"

What's your plan in case it fails? If you have an answer, you can try many things.

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thanks everyone you’ve been insightful, I do have a back up tank currently cycling cause I was already leaning towards removing the betta or the shrimp. Probably the betta since the shrimp have eggs and and some of which have already hatched.

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