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Hi All,


I had a dead Ember Tetra in my tank this morning.  For a little over a week I noticed one that looked like it had a big belly.  It swam nose up, it's mouth was always moving, if it was an airplane I would say it could not get altitude when it swam and it was in constant motion.  It ate, it's color was good and I just wondered if it was pregnant.  I am wondering what killed it and if it is something that could spread.  All other fish look fine.  Thoughts?

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Sounds like a swim bladder.  In my experience I haven't noticed anything like a sudden outbreak of fish with swim bladder problems after seeing one have it.  But it's certainly something to keep an eye on.  

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Please give me more information on  "swim bladder", I am a newbie. 

My tank has been established since October 2023.  I have very stable parameters to the point where I just top it off a couple times a week with declorinated water and clean the filter when needed.   There are Ramshorns snails (just  had an explosion) cherry shrimp, Ember Tetras, Green Neon Tetras, pygmy corys and a couple of Otocinclus'.  The tank is planted pretty densly and has wood harscape. 

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Swim bladder refers to the organ fish use to equalize themselves under the pressure of water - what allows them to go up and down in the water column. When this goes bad they can let swim well, it typically starts to affect their digestion and overall well being causing them to get stressed and hurting their immune system. 

We have resources on the forum as others have indicated. Just using the search function for swim bladder you’ll get many posts. It’s common and sad when it happens. If it happens to others than you may have a larger problem such as a parasite or bacterium that is plaguing the fish. Let us know if that occurs and post in the disease section. 

Sorry for your loss and try to keep your other fish happy - good water quality, food and filtration can’t be overstated. 

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