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What Fish To Add First?

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So I’m currently cycling my 75g tank and trying to figure out which fish from my stock list to add first. My list is:

Congo Tetra x12

Lemon Tetra x20

Albino Corydoras x12

6 Otocinclus (added in the future when tank is established and mature)

Longfin Blue Eye Lemon Pleco x3 

which would you initially add to the tank once it’s cycled AND is there anything else you might consider adding to this stock list?


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My largest tank is a 40 breeder (45 g.) so I'm jealous. Species choice is a personal thing.

But I know if I had a large tank, I would without a doubt have a school of Denison Barbs. I saw them at a store tank and fell in love. They check all the boxes.


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On 3/17/2024 at 7:16 PM, Whitecloud09 said:

Are you eventually thinking of a center piece fish for this tank? I could give u some options if your interested @FLFishChik.

Well, the Congo Tetra would be the Main Focal fish… but I’m open to suggestions! What’s your opinion?

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hey sorry for late reply, so I have seen some awesome ideas for center piece fish for biggger tanks (because for a lil bit I was thinking of buying one) and I stumbled across the Pearl gourami(s). They look amazing, maybe angelfish. You could get possibly some nice rainbow fish, i like that idea of the Congo tetras too, dwarf gourami(s) are awesome obviously, they could be good for a 75 for sure, but I hear that a good one is the blue acara and I have to say, wow, what a good looking fish! I am sure u have seen it but here is a pic, love these guys, (never kept one obviously but I have seen this fish lots of times!)There is some options, hope this helps 🙂


Edited by Whitecloud09
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