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Growing and separating baby bettas


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I have about 30 baby bettas in a 10 gallon. Some of them are really getting aggressive and some of their fins and ripping. They are not big enough to sell yet so I have to keep them. This leads me to my question: Do I just keep them in there until they get bigger or should I separate them in a same size tank or larger? 

I feed them every day with flakes and most them are around the same size. 

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I would assume that many of the aggressors are male bettas how old are the bettas? I would begin to separate the bettas that are becoming really aggressive the last thing you want as the babies are growing is for them to experience stress especially if nipping is going on. I will tag @Fish Folk who I believe has bred bettas before he will be able to help you more than I.

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I just bred mine to mark it off my bucket list 😅

I took 25x to my LFS and gave them to them. They threw them all into a 125 gal plant tank that they sell plants out of. Lots of places for them to hide in there.

I have about 12x remaining. Mine are getting sassy. I'm going to give them away soon.

My dividing plan awhile back was to take Plastic Mesh sheets (find at JoAnn Fabrics), and create a series of dividers to custom-fit into a 20-gal long. That gives room for about 10x that can run on one filter / heater rather than separate jugs, etc.

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On 3/18/2024 at 10:41 AM, NickD said:

@Fish Folkwhere can u get a 20 gallon long

If not your local fish store, any of the big box pet stores (Petsmart, Petco) will have them, and if you don't mind cleaning a used one, you can likely get one cheaply from Facebook Marketplace, Offer Up, Kijiji (depending on your area) or my favorite, your local fish club auction (and you can find a map of those here).

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