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Everything posted by NickD

  1. I am going to buy activated charcoal and it’s a jar full of it, it doesn’t come with mesh bags. Can I just pour some of it into my filter or should I buy mesh bags for it?
  2. What’s the best hob for a 29 gallon plz provide links
  3. I use 2 10 gallon sponge filters but should just get 2 20 gallon sponge filters?
  4. @Jeffits been set up for a couple months, I know lighting and number of fish don’t do anything. I use 2 sponge filters and nitrates are average @lefty oits brown if u look closely, it’s dirt not algae
  5. There’s dirt always getting stuck on my plants and it makes the tank look so dirty, please help!
  6. I have breed bettas many times and finally I’m onto it again. I’m pairing a mustard gas male with a koi female, can’t wait to see if they spawn!
  7. I use the COODIA green water killer, just got it today.
  8. I just got one and am confused on how to use it. I have it fully submerged in my tank and plugged it in and it seems to be working. The instructions said if u see the green light it means it’s working, I do not see it. Does the green light mean it senses green water or what?
  9. There is particles all around my plants and it make them look dirty, I didn’t want this to happen but it did. I have things in the water column is that why?
  10. Is this bad algae? (1st pic) what is that? (second pic)
  11. The salt dissolved in my tank guys, is that normal?
  12. Should I add salt everyday?
  13. Where can u get those chemicals?
  14. @Colui have barbs in there too, will the aquarium salt do anything negatively?
  15. @Tony si just started this aquarium (10 gallons) and there is algae starting to grow @Coluthank god I have aquarium salt, I’ve never used it though. Will it actually help? @Whitecloud09where can u get these chemicals
  16. One eye of this female bettas has like a white clear coating over it and the other doesn’t, is there something wrong?
  17. We’ll can plecos eat this?
  18. @Whitecloud09yes @Bsquaredyeah I bought two and there’s a bigger one (probably male) that was nipping at this one, I might have to return that one 😞
  19. I have 2 plecos in other tanks that absolutely clean up algae infested tanks. I know this isn’t algae but will they eat this too and clean it up? the white stuff is now here on my new driftwood😒
  20. Have any of you tried Bruce’s Plants online too?
  21. @Rube_Goldfishwhen getting plants from ACC, do they arrive alive and decent because I live in Texas, sooo
  22. @Rube_Goldfishwhat stem plants would you recommend?
  23. @AllFishNoBrakesi use 2 sponge filters, will that work?
  24. It’s mainly a Tiger barb tank with Florida darters, peacock Goldies, and clown loaches. I’m going to add some more javafern and other things but it was so dang dirty before BEFORE: AFTER:
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