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what is happening to my guppies tail?!?!?


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I have 1 male Japan guppy in a 5-gallon with a ramshorn snail.

I had to separate him from the others because I saw his tail was ripping. I put some aquarium salt in and he got better for a while but now it's happening again! I dosed the salt one more time. what else can I do???

(NOTE- sorry for the badly lit photos.)





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 Could be nipping, do you have any “nippers” in your tank @Abby? What fish are in this tank basically is what I am trying to say. Worse case scenario it could be fin rot BUT let’s not panic this early. It looks like it was torn by a sharp pice of decor or fake plant but hard to tell exactly with that picture there.

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Is there any Reddening to the edges of the fins and the fins start to recede or are the fin just tearing if  there Redding to the fins I would treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex and salt if there tearing that can be caused by the fins catching something in the tank if your using plastic plants or sharpe rocks that it's catching it fins or another fish is nipping the fins as @Whitecloud09mentioned 

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