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Help with parameters in shrimp tank

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Hello! I am struggling with the parameters of my shrimp tank. I have a 5g planted tank with rock, wood, and inert substrate that I cycled and currently have 25 RCS (5 adults and 20 babies)  and 2 mystery snails. About a week ago I changed from a sponge filter to an HOB,  I did put a piece of the cycled sponge back in the tank for beneficial bacteria.  Since then my nitrites(nitrites with an I) have been at least .25, highest.50 and ammonia at least .25 (though today it almost looks to be closer to 0), highest. 50, based on API liquid tests. Nitrates, ph, kh, gh, tds all within range. I have done 20-25% water changes every day and treated my water with tap conditioner and added quickstart to each water change. I have not been feeding the shrimp at all, but there is algae for them to graze on (not in excess) and an almond leaf. I have added more floating plants, 2 more large amazon swords, and an airstone. I have added no ferts in my substrate or water column. Everyone seems fine and active and I've had no deaths. Am I just chasing numbers here and driving myself crazy? Should I be worried? Should I do more water changes? Less water changes? Add more beneficial bacteria? Treat with Prime? Did I just really screw myself up changing out the filter and mess up my cycle and now I have to just wait it out? What should I be doing, if anything? 

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Just test and if needed do small water changes.  Bacteria grow only to the amount of ammonia and nitrite available.  They cover all surfaces . When you remove media, filters hardscape you remove some of that bacteria. It just takes some time for it to replicate more on existing surfaces.  
Your shrimp and snails are fine for a few days without extra food. 

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Not a fun answer but id suggest getting another form of water testing tool. The API kit is good but has its flaws. But any one result could be a fluke without another test to confirm it's accurate. Either way time will probably work out your tank

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Sounds like to me you just crashed your cycle a bit with changing filters. Keep testing, and water change as necessary and you’ll be back in action in no time. 

I’d be more concerned about Amazon Swords in a 5 gallon tank, lol. I have some that are 4 years old that have taken over a 55 gallon at this point. 

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Thank you everyone! I figured I'd crashed my tank a bit. I have the Aquarium Co-Op testing strips, but the ammonia ones don't even register, think I got a bad batch. The all-in-one strip echoes the API on nitrites.  Would adding more beneficial bacteria help or should I just leave it alone? And yes, I will be moving the sword to another tank eventually lol!!

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On 3/7/2024 at 3:53 PM, cryptkeeper said:

Would adding more beneficial bacteria help

You're probably good. just give it another week. half the cycle is done, now the other side needs to catch up

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Update: I'm happy to report that as of this morning all my parameters are spot on! I listened to you guys and just left the tank alone aside of small water changes and testing, and it worked itself out! I only lost 1 shrimp due to white ring of death during this. Thank you all!

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