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Completely clueless beginner

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Hello fish crew. So ive never owned a fish before and dont know anything about the equipment or requirements and im scared of changing the water and killing the fish etc. My ex roommate abandoned a (i think) 50 gallon tank here and a pleco, thats all thats in the tank just a fish. The pleco is about a foot long and i have some algea wafers (not sure how many or how often to feed). There is a siphon which i learned how to use this morning but didnt clean too much because im afraid to add more water at the moment and mess it up. I did rinse the filter out but i dont think theres a heater or anything and i read the water for these fish should be warm. Theres a bubbler and a filter and i believe thats it. I have the water treatment stuff and i bought some rocks at the fish store because the tank is completely bare and sad looking! Any help is appreciated i have never even looked into owning a fish but i want to give this lil dude the best life ever, seems hes had it rough. Thank you all in advance! 




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do you have any dechlorinator. something like seachem prime. available at petco/petsmart. you'll need to follow the directions and add it every water change. cities add chlorine to tap water to kill bacteria. it also kills fish

second thing you'll need is a water test kit also available at petco/petsmart. to test your ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. api master test kit works best. follow the directions exactly for good results. I'm assuming the tank may be cycled already. but you'd have to test to make sure.

adding water after you have the dechlorinator would be a great ideal.  id change out at least half of what's there already. I'd also raise that filter to the top. more water stays stable longer. and then fill it up very close to the top. I'd take the cartridge from the filter to your sink and wash out the gunk. re use it at this point. if you're cycled its going to have your beneficial bacteria living in it. don't worry about damaging the fish. it'll appreciate the fresh water. just kind of match the water temperature from your tap to the water temp of the tank. it'll be fine. common plecos are very tough animals

heater would be good.  keep it anywhere from 72 to 80. lower is fine for now

they make tabs for the pleco that contain other things than algae. a pleco that size doesn't eat a ton of algae. they prefer a higher protein diet and some wood fiber.

keep asking questions, we have lots of helpful people here


Edited by Tony s
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Thanks tony! I do have dechlorinator, ill have to get the test strips.  I took the lid off to clean a bit so i can add more water to the top later and put the lid back on. Ill get a heater this week, google says 150-200 wats is good for a 50 gallon? Does anyone have any advice on feeding it more protein and wood fiber? I want to get driftwood to add but im not sure if that’s something i can purchase or if people usually go out looking for it? As far as a water change should i try to remove the fish, or can it stay in when i siphon out water and add fresh? Im also unsure about how to add these rocks in, i have a small 20 gallon the fish could chill in while i put the rocks in but how do i get it out? Should i completely drain the water to add rocks? 

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On 3/1/2024 at 12:45 PM, Fishy_business said:

 I want to get driftwood to add but im not sure if that’s something i can purchase or if people usually go out looking for it? 

To answer that Q, u can def buy it at a local fish  store.


On 3/1/2024 at 12:45 PM, Fishy_business said:

As far as a water change should i try to remove the fish, or can it stay in when i siphon out water and add fresh?

No he will be fine, in the tank. I would take out about half of the water and add dechlorinater.


On 3/1/2024 at 12:45 PM, Fishy_business said:

 Im also unsure about how to add these rocks in, i have a small 20 gallon the fish could chill in while i put the rocks in but how do i get it out? Should i completely drain the water to add rocks? 

no i would not drain it all out, just put the rocks in without setting them on him. Keep the Qs coming lol @Fishy_business, tough situation i know.

Edited by Whitecloud09
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On 3/1/2024 at 12:45 PM, Fishy_business said:

can it stay in when i siphon out water

absolutely can stay in. it won't really mind at all. purchased driftwood is usually cleaner with less contaminants. it can be boiled a time or 2 to reduce tannins. tannins can turn your water brown like tea. tannins are beneficial but some people don't like the look. rock can be added directly, after a rinse off.

most heaters will be labeled for gallon size

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Welcome to the forum @Fishy_business.

Googling common aquarium sizes will list multiple sites to help you identify your aquarium volume.  If it is 4' long, 55 gallons might be correct.

My approach to these situations is: everything in moderation.  Not knowing the background information, I would change 5-10 gallons of water gradually more than you took out each time.  There is no need to remove the fish.

Your common pleco is nocturnal, and  will appreciate a cave or some other place to think that he is hidden.  A piece of pvc pipe or a tall rock pile, anything to hide behind.  Considering his size, if you decide to keep him a 4"dia clay drain tile works well and looks better than the pvc.

If room temp. is at least 70 degrees, that is good enough for now, but they prefer it a little warmer.  Your pleco will eat algae, algae wafers, softened veggies and flake fish food, as well as wood.  Wood should be a hardwood, and should NOT be any of the pine/evergreen varieties.  Your fish will be eating the biofilm that grows on the wood as it decays.

Your pleco can move a lot of water very fast when startled.  A lid is a good idea.  It also has spines on the pectoral fins so watch your hands.  

I see a lot of surface film in your picture.  If your "bubbler" can be turned up, I would do so. 

You did not mention lighting.  If your aquarium has a light, than I would limit it to no more than seven hours a day, and try to keep  it out of direct sun, as that will increase the algae growth.

Finally, later, when you get comfortable with you aquarium, add a few dither fish.  Your pleco is fearless, but still appreciates other fish to reassure him that all is well.🐟



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