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My water pigs


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just wanted to share my goldies

also for anyone that has goldfish, does ur tank water ever go darker blue/green?

my tank parameters are good/ in the range for goldies. but idk what I need to do.

please help me!

69741107106--506A3916-3625-41CA-A2C9-EF619B5FD259 (3).jpg

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What beautiful babies you have! Good to see another fancy goldfish keeper!

In regards to the water color, what do you consider good water parameters? It's generally best, if possible, to specify the values, instead of good, bad, fair.
The color changes could be due to many things, including the wood/drift wood, but also free floating algae, or maybe even the lights! Still the water parameters would clear these guesses up.

A blind guess could be that you are experiencing a bacteria bloom, that clouds the water, but it looks blue due to your lights.

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It looks like you have some nice pieces of wood in there.  Wood underwater very slowly breaks down releasing chemicals called tannins. These are not harmful for fish and can have anti-microbial properties, but can color the water brownish and lower pH a smidge.

As long as you don't mind the aesthetics it should not be a big issue. That being said the tannins can be removed by adding chemical filtration such as Seachem Purigen to your filter.

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The color of the water looks like it has tannins in it, not green from algae. How long has the wood been in the tank? Wood will release tannins into the water slowly over time, depending on what kid of wood it is, it can take a while to get all the tannins out of it. Carbon in the filter will help, along with water changes.

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i do not know much about what if this is good/bad

NO3 (nitrate)- 200 I KNOW THIS IS BAD I'M WORKING ON FIXING IT! SORRY I'm changing the tank water right now!!!

NO2(nitrite)- 0




I didn't realize my nitrate levers were so high I'll change my water and monitor it, and let you guys know if anything changes! 

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The 1st pic is the before and the 2nd is the after!!!


(and yes I have a Furbo mini watching my tanks... lol)

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 12.43.51 AM.jpeg

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 12.44.16 AM.jpeg

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On 3/2/2024 at 12:09 AM, Abby said:

i do not know much about what if this is good/bad

NO3 (nitrate)- 200 I KNOW THIS IS BAD I'M WORKING ON FIXING IT! SORRY I'm changing the tank water right now!!!

NO2(nitrite)- 0




I didn't realize my nitrate levers were so high I'll change my water and monitor it, and let you guys know if anything changes! 

When I saw 200 I was like what!? But yeah water changes do it all right! That’s good news there! 


On 3/2/2024 at 1:50 AM, Abby said:


The 1st pic is the before and the 2nd is the after!!!


(and yes I have a Furbo mini watching my tanks... lol)

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 12.43.51 AM.jpeg

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 12.44.16 AM.jpeg

I like the tank btw

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On 3/2/2024 at 6:09 AM, Abby said:


Good news that you got it under control! We're all here to learn.

When it is this high, sometimes it is better to do smaller water changes so that the fish don't get a sudden shock due to the change, even though its for the best

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