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White clouds surprisingly aggressive?

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My minnows are quite aggressive to each other, like chasing, fighting maybe…is this normal? I 5hought one day one of their fins was bitten but I was mistaken but I have 6 in a 10 gal with a temp of 74 degrees last time I checked but I turned the heater off because I saw they might be doing this because of warm temp? But the reason I added a heater was because temp drops at night and to keep things stable, ph is fine at 7.5 and nitrate like 25 ppm but prob less, and ammonia and nitrite is all gone at 0. I added another cave to my tank to have more hides, is this a issue that they chase and chase? I don’t know if they are all males or females because got em at petsmart…thanks, again I was just curious. Not very worried but would like it  to stop if possible.

Oh btw I got live plants to. 


Edited by Bigdog99
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Might be nice to have a video, even in bad quality. Mine will chase each other, flare fins at each other, but I do not have any damage done, not even to the fry (that I raised elsewhere, but added at 5 weeks)



I have long suspected that they are not a suitable fish for a 10 gallon though, they are quite fast swimmers. Maybe yours could do with some current?

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On 2/22/2024 at 8:54 AM, beastie said:

Might be nice to have a video, even in bad quality. Mine will chase each other, flare fins at each other, but I do not have any damage done, not even to the fry (that I raised elsewhere, but added at 5 weeks)



I have long suspected that they are not a suitable fish for a 10 gallon though, they are quite fast swimmers. Maybe yours could do with some current?

Yeah will do, i will get a vid right now and yes I have a strong HOB going with lots of flow, sadly Idk if I have room for a bigger tank….posting photo after this

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perosnaly i would suggest to try add in something in the middle of the tank to brake the line of sight but i have some of these as well a mix of whites and the grey ones and i do notise them chasing but i have always seen it as flirting activity as i never saw nips but i did have alot of plants in there too. 

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On 2/22/2024 at 9:07 AM, Split_in_2 said:

perosnaly i would suggest to try add in something in the middle of the tank to brake the line of sight but i have some of these as well a mix of whites and the grey ones and i do notise them chasing but i have always seen it as flirting activity as i never saw nips but i did have alot of plants in there too. 

Yes I will try, got a lot of micro sword so will have to make room, thanks that is super helpful @Split_in_2! Will try to find something very big 

@Split_in_2, welcome to the forums! Saw that u are new here and wanted to say hi!

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They do this when they are breeding or displaying for breeding. My WCMM have produced 3 batches of fry for me and I have 2 males. The two males will fight for territory but really they just flare their fins and posture. Then the school will split into two groups and about 3-4 weeks later there are baby WCMM swimming around. 

They do like current but you have to train them. When I had them in a 12g the current was too much for them so I bought a tiny hygger wavemaker and turned it all the way down. As they grew older and I grew more confident in their swimming ability I increased the speed. Now they are at max speed and they surf pretty much all day.

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On 2/22/2024 at 9:52 AM, Biotope Biologist said:

They do this when they are breeding or displaying for breeding. My WCMM have produced 3 batches of fry for me and I have 2 males. The two males will fight for territory but really they just flare their fins and posture. Then the school will split into two groups and about 3-4 weeks later there are baby WCMM swimming around. 

They do like current but you have to train them. When I had them in a 12g the current was too much for them so I bought a tiny hygger wavemaker and turned it all the way down. As they grew older and I grew more confident in their swimming ability I increased the speed. Now they are at max speed and they surf pretty much all day.

Thanks a lot @Biotope Biologist, I got some plants in there to help them get away if they start doing it.

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