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Cycling question


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Hello!  Currently a little more than 2 weeks cycling a 5g planted tank. Have a little brown algae on substrate and now noticed the last few days I have what appears to be green thread algae growing on my hardscape and detritus worms crawling around on my glass. Floating plants are growing fast and rooted plants appear healthy, I see a little growth starting. I planted root tabs 2 weeks ago and am dosing liquid fert. 2x a week based on directions on bottle. Lights are on timer 8 hr daily. Ammonia is .50/ Nitrite is 5.0/ Nitrate is 80 (ppm/API test kit). First time with live plants so not sure if the worms and green algae is normal? I am not changing the water (fishless cycle) or removing any algae/worms, should I be? Should I provide more ferts.? Is the algae outcompeting the plants for them? Thanks in advance for any help!

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The detritus worms and algae are completely normal. Algae is just showing that your tank is coming alive. 

You could remove the algae if you want to, and I personally wouldn’t water change until the cycle is complete considering you’re doing a fishless cycle. Once ammonia and nitrite are at 0, you’ll be good to add a couple fish. 

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On 2/18/2024 at 1:38 PM, cryptkeeper said:

. Ammonia is .50/ Nitrite is 5.0/ Nitrate is 80 (ppm/API test kit). First time with live plants so not sure if the worms and green algae is normal? I am not changing the water (fishless cycle) or removing any algae/worms, should I be? Should I provide more ferts.? Is the algae outcompeting the plants for them? Thanks in advance for any help!

I'm basically at the same point in the cycle you are with my planted 37 gallon. Ammonia is gone but the nitrites are climbing. I got tons of life in the tank. The plants are growing like crazy. There's some thread algae and a little patch of brown diatoms, and even a lil snail hitchhiker taking off despite the nitrites.

I wouldn't stress about your tank. Just keep doing what you've been doing. It's good that things are growing and alive even if they're not the desired species just yet. I'm gonna give it another week or two for the nitrites to drop and then start adding some fish slowly 

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Personally, I would water change to drop the nitrates and minimize chance of Algae taking off. Then redose with ammonia.  The ammonia will convert to nitrite to allow that part of the cycle to continue.


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On 2/18/2024 at 1:47 PM, cryptkeeper said:

@AllFishNoBrakes Thank you again for putting me at ease! Every time I see something new, I panic lol!

Same here lol! Yes ammonia will slowly but surely rise with nitrates very high and nitrite climbing too! U are doing everything perfect and all will be fine! Algae is normal, especially diatom brown algae @cryptkeeper

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I just did a cycle I did mine with ghost feeding but the same sort of stuff happened I’d just wait it out keep thinking simple and enjoy the ride lol trying to balance a tank while it’s cycling is like ploughing the sea 

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On 2/19/2024 at 5:55 AM, doktor zhivago said:

I'm basically at the same point in the cycle you are with my planted 37 gallon. Ammonia is gone but the nitrites are climbing. I got tons of life in the tank. The plants are growing like crazy. There's some thread algae and a little patch of brown diatoms, and even a lil snail hitchhiker taking off despite the nitrites.

I wouldn't stress about your tank. Just keep doing what you've been doing. It's good that things are growing and alive even if they're not the desired species just yet. I'm gonna give it another week or two for the nitrites to drop and then start adding some fish slowly 

@doktor zhivago I also have a hitchhiker snail that is growing well in my tank lol! I'm happy to have him!

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