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Cherry Shrimp Turning White


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Any idea of why my cherry shrimp is turning white? This tank has been maturing for 2 months up until this weekend. I’ve had the shrimp since Sunday, drip acclimated them for 2 hours. I have 8 in the tank and this is the only one exhibiting the white. Only other inhabitants are ramshorn snails.

3 gallon tank 
pH - 7.5
Ammonia - 0
Nitrates - 5ppm 
Nitrites - 0 ppm
gH - 300 ppm
kH - 180 ppm

Temp - 70 degrees F


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On 2/13/2024 at 8:06 AM, Tony s said:

Is it a trick of the camera? All the plants look like they’re covered in white dots as well?

The buce is. I’ve seen it in other pictures. Not sure why, it was a tissue culture plant.

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Looks like some under the shrimp in the picture. On dwarf sag? Possibly something going on in the tank, and not necessarily just on the shrimp? Shrimp just getting it also?

Edited by Tony s
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On 2/13/2024 at 8:44 AM, Tony s said:

Looks like some under the shrimp in the picture. On dwarf sag? Possibly something going on in the tank, and not necessarily just on the shrimp? Shrimp just getting it also?

Apparently it’s normal.


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