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Oh and alkalinity


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So I was wondering, the water out of my tap is like 6.8 oh and like 40 alkalinity...in my newest tank I used bakong soda to raise both, and it worked greag but thats all those fish know. I want to raise the oh n alkalinity in my goldfish tank thgh, but those fish have love w the low pH n alk. For like a month and a half...if I raise but th gradually shld the goldfish be ok??

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Raising it gradually would be fine.  Look into a product like crushed coral in the substrate if you have white substrate or try to check into seachem alkalinity buffer as an additive. There is also KH+GH shrimp buffers available that keep things at a good ratio. Depending what the KH/GH are currently that's something you can check into.

You can add a dose once a week, gradually raise it over time. Yes.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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