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Help!! I dropped my goldfish and now his balance seems off


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So I was moving my fish from one tank to another because something happened to the water and I had three fish die overnight. The thing is, this goldfish is quite large and he's too big to fit in the net so I had to grab him with my hand. He started jerking around as I was moving him and he feel about 5ft onto hardwood floors. I got him back into water and he doesn't have any bleeding or cuts, but he seems to be swimming a little bit sideways and struggling with staying upright. What should I do???

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On 2/9/2024 at 10:13 AM, FishQween said:

So I was moving my fish from one tank to another because something happened to the water and I had three fish die overnight. The thing is, this goldfish is quite large and he's too big to fit in the net so I had to grab him with my hand. He started jerking around as I was moving him and he feel about 5ft onto hardwood floors. I got him back into water and he doesn't have any bleeding or cuts, but he seems to be swimming a little bit sideways and struggling with staying upright. What should I do???

If u have stress coat use it. I not add some hides and make him comfy. He will be fine I’m sure soon!

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From my experience, goldfish are complete drama queens especially when stressed! I can some times move them from one group into an other, without them apparently even noticing but other times, if the light comes from an angle that they are not used to, they'll swim sideways for several days!

Keep an eye on it, but otherwise let it rest. It should recover within a day or two if everything else is fine.

What is more concerning is the "something happened and I had three fish die overnight"part..
That could be something I'd be more worried about than it not balancing well after a drop and I wouldn't be sure that moving to a different tank is entirely enough to call it safe

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On 2/9/2024 at 3:13 PM, FishQween said:

So I was moving my fish from one tank to another because something happened to the water and I had three fish die overnight. The thing is, this goldfish is quite large and he's too big to fit in the net so I had to grab him with my hand. He started jerking around as I was moving him and he feel about 5ft onto hardwood floors. I got him back into water and he doesn't have any bleeding or cuts, but he seems to be swimming a little bit sideways and struggling with staying upright. What should I do???

Possibly injured its swim bladder or has some internal injuries from a fall from that hight not a lot treatment wise i could suggest I would just monitor for next week  and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallon for two weeks and give an  update if it get worse

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On 2/9/2024 at 5:58 PM, Colu said:

Possibly injured its swim bladder or has some internal injuries from a fall from that hight not a lot treatment wise i could suggest I would just monitor for next week  and add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 5 gallon for two weeks and give an  update if it get worse

Yeah it will be fine. Don’t stress.

On 2/9/2024 at 5:50 PM, EggShappedFish said:

From my experience, goldfish are complete drama queens especially when stressed! I can some times move them from one group into an other, without them apparently even noticing but other times, if the light comes from an angle that they are not used to, they'll swim sideways for several days!

Keep an eye on it, but otherwise let it rest. It should recover within a day or two if everything else is fine.

What is more concerning is the "something happened and I had three fish die overnight"part..
That could be something I'd be more worried about than it not balancing well after a drop and I wouldn't be sure that moving to a different tank is entirely enough to call it safe

Yes do u know why these fish died over night or no? @FishQween

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On 2/9/2024 at 6:53 PM, Bigdog99 said:

Yeah it will be fine. Don’t stress.

Yes do u know why these fish died over night or no? @FishQween

Yeah, just realized my fish have ich. I'm almost 100% sure. I'll attach the pictures. I'm gonna buy treatment for it, although I've read methylene blue can be used as well?

The two goldfish in the pictures are the ones who seem to be most infected, although I have seen white spots on my other fish and I have one more orange goldfish that's hiding in a vase and refuses to come out, but I've seen the spots on him too. Any suggestions on what to do?







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On 2/11/2024 at 8:03 PM, FishQween said:

Yeah, just realized my fish have ich. I'm almost 100% sure. I'll attach the pictures. I'm gonna buy treatment for it, although I've read methylene blue can be used as well?

The two goldfish in the pictures are the ones who seem to be most infected, although I have seen white spots on my other fish and I have one more orange goldfish that's hiding in a vase and refuses to come out, but I've seen the spots on him too. Any suggestions on what to do?







I wouldn't use methylene blue in your tank it will kill your benefial bacterial the best treatment for ich is malachite green active ingredient in most ich medication such as ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt adds back in essential electrolytes and add an extra air stone during treatment 

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On 2/11/2024 at 6:24 PM, Colu said:

I wouldn't use methylene blue in your tank it will kill your benefial bacterial the best treatment for ich is malachite green active ingredient in most ich medication such as ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt adds back in essential electrolytes and add an extra air stone during treatment 

Thank you so much!!

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On 2/11/2024 at 6:24 PM, Colu said:

I wouldn't use methylene blue in your tank it will kill your benefial bacterial the best treatment for ich is malachite green active ingredient in most ich medication such as ick X and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 2 gallons as ich causes massive electrolyte loss and the salt adds back in essential electrolytes and add an extra air stone during treatment 

Yeah slat is what u wan @FishQween. If u have none at the moment. I suggest fritz aquarium salt! 

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On 2/12/2024 at 3:28 PM, FishQween said:

My local pet store had cupramine from seachem. I'm using that. Any tips???

Yeah keep adding every week. After water change is the best. But once a week every week until signs of improvement. Unless it says more than once a week…I have always done once for a betta I have and it works every time! A good natural kinda way to go about treating sickness! 

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On 2/12/2024 at 5:37 PM, Bigdog99 said:

Yeah keep adding every week. After water change is the best. But once a week every week until signs of improvement. Unless it says more than once a week…I have always done once for a betta I have and it works every time! A good natural kinda way to go about treating sickness! 

Thank you!!!!

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