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SAE in a 20 gallon tank


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On 2/3/2024 at 6:14 PM, anewbie said:

The only way they are 2.5 inches after 4 years is that they are runts or not actually sae but one of the similar looking fishes like flying foxes. My SAE  - which i started in a 29 quickly out-grew it in under a year and then i moved it to a 120 and quite frankly i found the 120 small for it. These are very very fast fish.

They are very fast, and hard to measure, The first picture is from Aquarium Coop, and the others are mine.   CoopSAE.jpg.b7c54305e338d5a787d661146f6c8ea9.jpg

Whether or not the three newer fish will get larger remains to be seen.  If they aren't SAEs, than the LFS continues to get it wrong.


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When I had a BBA breakout in the past, I went out and bought hydrogen peroxide (Spelling). I pulled everything out of my tank and dipped it into a bowl hydrogen peroxide. After I dipped each and everything I could, I put it back in the tank. The next day all the BBA turned purple and started to die off. This was on my driftwood, live pants, rocks etc.. Now I warn you, your plants will melt some from doing this, but I managed to kill off the BBA in my tank. I monitored the amount of light that was in my tank (Had the take timer switched to 8 hours of lighting max). I also added a lot more plants in the tank and started dosing EXCEL and Flourish. So far my plants have exploded and BBA isn't showing up anymore.

My thoughts were to put enough plants into the tank that would use all the reasources that the BBA would use. I cut lights from 10-12 hours a day to just 8 hours.


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