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Confusion with fish for heated 5 gallon


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I have a planted 5.5 gallon.  Used to have a betta but now it's just 2 nerites, a crew of mts and an amano shrimp.  I was holding off on getting any fish until I upgraded to a larger tank.  But that isn't going to happen for awhile and I'm kinda tired of looking at a fishless tank...

I was wondering what are some options that would do well in a heated tank? 

I've read through the forum and watched videos for 5g recommendations and betta tank mates.  But I see conflicting info regarding the temp.

For example, white cloud minnows and pygmy cory's are in every betta video. But when I do searches for them I see people saying theirs are happier and more active in lower temps.

I want something that will do well with  water around 79 and not just tolerate it.

Any suggestions?


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On 1/30/2024 at 1:31 PM, nic said:

I have a planted 5.5 gallon.  Used to have a betta but now it's just 2 nerites, a crew of mts and an amano shrimp.  I was holding off on getting any fish until I upgraded to a larger tank.  But that isn't going to happen for awhile and I'm kinda tired of looking at a fishless tank...

I was wondering what are some options that would do well in a heated tank? 

I've read through the forum and watched videos for 5g recommendations and betta tank mates.  But I see conflicting info regarding the temp.

For example, white cloud minnows and pygmy cory's are in every betta video. But when I do searches for them I see people saying theirs are happier and more active in lower temps.

I want something that will do well with  water around 79 and not just tolerate it.

Any suggestions?


I was just about to mention WCMMs but ummmm….ghost shrimp, pea puffer, the pea puffer would have to be by itself though…kinda rude to others. Green neon tetras, mystery snails.

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So you’d want something tiny, say around half an inch. All guppysnails would work beautifully, I’d add the dwarf Rasbora as well. Possibly 1 Dario Dario. Possibly a few of bigdogs white clouds. Possibly 1 peapuffer, not sure with the snails. If you want schooling fish, then the 3 rasboras species would be great. You could do 7-10 in a 5g. Tiny fish need higher numbers to be seen. The chilis get a vibrant red. Pygmys would be cool but they’re very active and need much more space. Guppies and endlers are too active and big. 

and the last option goes back to the best option. Another betta. Depending on how you’re doing about losing yours. Unfortunately bettas don’t last as long as we would like. Supposed to be up to 5 years, but they get lots of abuse along the way. So, usually anywhere from 4 months to 2 years. More if you’re lucky. I keep 6 currently in various community tanks. The other fish are fine, the betta usually passes first. Then we go out and find another. I figure, they’re going to be breeding them anyway, so I help them when I can. Maybe a different type than before. Maybe a female. Not the long flowing fins, so more active 

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I'll be going to the LFS this weekend to see what they have.

The pea puffers would be tempting if it wasn't for their eating habits. I've thought about a female plakat but may give the rasbora's a try for something new!

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