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I know someone just asked about setting up a 20 g tank but theirs was about fish so I figured I would start another thread. And you all may get tired of all my questions! I'm adding a picture of what I have set up so far and am aware I will probably need to redo it once I get about half the water in there.  This is not the final spot for the tank, just the lay over until the stand is completed. I know a lot of people suggest a planted aquarium, but we just really didn't want to go in that direction.  My question is, is there anything that I need to add/remove from the set up?  I just want to be sure we have happy healthy fish!


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Very lovely start. I would suggest a  taller piece of decor in addition to give some structure to the mid and upper part of the water column. Structure makes fish feel safe and gives them places to go if they want to rest a moment. 

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I prefer keeping the heater close to the intake tube or the flow so it spreads the heated water around better. This way heater's location look isolated to me.

Other than that, maybe making sure the artificial plants you wanna add are not sharp. You can use your hand gently and I would personally not keep anything feels sharp. I have seen physical injuries a couple times before and the only thing that really may cause it was driftwood. Fish can dart and stuff, and may accidentally hurt themselves.

Or at least try to not get fish like long fin bettas or other fish that would be more prone to get hurt by anything with a sharp texture.

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