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10 gal betta community


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So i have recently setup my next tank, which is jst a 10 gal but i want it to have a betta with some celestial danios and 3 corys....my question is, do i add all the fish at once?? its gonna be 8 danios, a betta and the corys... Do i add the danios and corys and wait for the betta, does the betta go in first or can they all go in together?

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A note on mixing celestial pearl danios and bettas - This is a quote from the celestial pearl danio Aquarium Co-Op care guide:

"Betta fish may or may not work because they tend to prefer warmer waters and can be hostile toward intruders. They may be able to go together if the temperature is kept at 77–78°C (25–26°C), the aquarium is large enough, and the betta isn’t too aggressive."

Source: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/celestial-pearl-danio

Anyways, I would not add them all at once. It is best to add small amounts of fish in intervals to allow the cycle to adjust for the higher bioload. I would do danios first, then corys, and betta last. I prefer to add bettas last since they can be territorial. They typically respond better to being added to a tank with existing fish than already establishing their territory and having new fish added.


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I don't think I would try to mix CPDs and betta, mainly because of the temperature as @RachelElizabeth mentioned.

I've enjoyed CPDs, have had them a bit over a year.  They're pretty reclusive, but they are interesting.  I would just do CPDs and shrimp, personally.  10 gallon seems awful small for corys, but I've never kept the pygmy ones, so perhaps that's totally appropriate for those little fellas.

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I would be careful adding danios to bettas. Small danios, like cpd's, can easily end up as food. Larger danios are too active and fin nippy. Most bettas will do community tanks just fine depending on their tankmates. Corys would be good. possibly not the pygmy though. I currently have 3 bettas in 3 communities. with corys, harlequin rasboras, platys, otocinclus, mystery snails, and some shy neon tetras. 

Depending on the betta's personality, most can be kept with peaceful fish. Usually, it's the betta that gets attacked. By fin nippers. I have failed at keeping them with Lemon tetras and any kind of glow fish. I wouldn't keep them alone with mystery snails. Bettas are nippy at their eye stalks.

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Maybe I've always had small bettas, but I can't imagine one making a snack out of an adult CPD.  Or catching one, really.  They could absolutely eat the CPD fry, though.  That said, a couple of amoeba could probably gang up and take out a CPD fry.

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On 1/12/2024 at 2:36 PM, jwcarlson said:

Maybe I've always had small bettas, but I can't imagine one making a snack out of an adult CPD.  Or catching one, really.  They could absolutely eat the CPD fry, though.  That said, a couple of amoeba could probably gang up and take out a CPD fry.

Yeah, have to name him Rocket. 

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On 1/12/2024 at 11:36 AM, jwcarlson said:

That said, a couple of amoeba could probably gang up and take out a CPD fry.

I love this it stirred a very funny image in my head 😂

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