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Guppy with white, very long, very thin poop, bent spine, sunken belly


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Hello, I've been experiencing some issues with one of my guppies. I've had my guppy fish tank since April 2023. One of my guppies has become thinner, and his poop has turned white, very long, and very thin. He has developed a bent spine, along with a loss in his tail. Appart from the spine, he swims rather normally.

I suspect the loss in his tail is caused by one of my other guppies, which sometimes acts aggressively towards others by nipping at their tails. This guppy with symptoms has a good appetite but often spits out food; perhaps he's picky because he never spits out green pea or spirulina. I'm uploading pictures to show how he looked at the beginning and how he started to look about a week ago. Color differences in the photos are caused by lighting, and on the second picture, there is a stain on the aquarium glass (not on him). His eyes were always "hollow" like this; he's an albino.

I've tried to treat him with ESHA 2000, (the smaller, reccommended, dose, 25 drops/26 gal, not 50 drops/26g) it's been 5 days and nothing changed, maybe it takes more time or maybe it's not the accurate medication. Although before that his belly was sunken, and now it's a little bit fuller (just a little).

My parametres are: 
pH 7,5 
Nitrates 15 
Hardness 15
Nitrite 0 
Ammonia 0
KH/Buffer 10
Water Temperature 73,4 F
Cl 0
13 gallons, 5 guppy guys


Thank you for your answer in advance ❤️ 

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On 1/9/2024 at 3:18 PM, ToothlessTheGuppy said:

As always, thank you for your advice! 🙂 I've just bought it, hope it will help him. Since I've recently used eSHa 2000, I should probably use active carbon to remove it from aquarium and do some water changes. 🙂 

Do a large water change and a through gravel vac then dose the medication levamisole is light sensitive so black out the tank for 24hr during treatment 

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I've added eSHa ndx and black out the tank yesterday, when the medication arrived. Little guy is laying on the gravel for 2 days, he's moving on the ground. Sometimes he swims normally with other fish, but over time he does it less and less often. His belly is also way more sunken cause he doesn't eat... He doesn't swim up when I feed them. It's hard for me to give him up cause I don't know if fish in this condition has any chances or maybe it's just a torment for him. I tried to feed him, but I don't want to stress him out.

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On 1/12/2024 at 8:34 AM, ToothlessTheGuppy said:

I've added eSHa ndx and black out the tank yesterday, when the medication arrived. Little guy is laying on the gravel for 2 days, he's moving on the ground. Sometimes he swims normally with other fish, but over time he does it less and less often. His belly is also way more sunken cause he doesn't eat... He doesn't swim up when I feed them. It's hard for me to give him up cause I don't know if fish in this condition has any chances or maybe it's just a torment for him. I tried to feed him, but I don't want to stress him out.

 Try offering frozen or live food such as brine shrimp daphnia blood worms Tubifex worms to help simulate his appetite there's a chance he will turn a round at this point it's 50/50 at best if you think he's suffering then I would humanely euthanize with clove oil 



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Levamisole can also decrease appetite in my experience, so it's best to be limited on how much you're feeding anyway.  I do still try to keep them eating a little bit because the idea is that you're paralyzing the worms and they're able to pass them and then you can gravel vac them from the tank.  Without something to push it out I always worry it will be less effective.  That said, I've had instances where I wormed my discus and then something like 10 days later the one that was the most sick was passing TONS of worms.  I netted him and took a sample and under a microscope everything was dead.  I don't know what else it could have been.  Perhaps they can become paralyzed and start to get digested or something?  Or weakened in some way.  I do a little different treatment for my discus dosing levamisole on days 1, 5, 14.. and then I usually throw in another one at 21 days.

Hope your guy can pull through, levamisole is also (I believe) and immunostimulant.  Though I am not sure the technical term for it.  An immune system booster, basically.  


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Thank You very much for your help. Unfortunetely he passed away...  😞 I've dosed the esha ndx and then changed the water. 

He got much better after the treatment, he started swimming normally, and was very fine for two days, his belly started looking normal. I've fed him live glassworms (chaoborus larve) and frozen brine shrimp, he ate it.
He tried to bury himself in the gravel, he tried to dig in. Then he entered between the decoration (rock) and the Anubias roots. He couldn't go out, cause his tail was stucked and torn... I've tried to help him by deataching Anubias carrefully. His tail didn't look that bad but I think it stressed him out completely... I've removed the decoration, and now Anubias is just floating in the water. It never happened to me before, none of my fish hid like this.

I've repeated the treatment yesterday and blackout the tank. I was about to do a water change but I've noticed something weird. There are some white worms on the glass... I've read that it could be something called planaria, but I'm not sure. I perform regular water changes once a week, I'm using Aquael turbo 500 which aerates the aquarium with bubbles. And eSHa ndx haven't kill them... And now after I've turned on the lights, they've dissapeared.


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Sorry for your loss as he started to show improvement with esha ndx I would treat the main tank possibility other fish are infected in the tank he came from

Edited by Colu
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