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Root tabs question

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I have a 8 week old 90 gallon, heavy fish and moderate plants with no CO2.  I use root tabs and am trying a moderate amount of Easy Green.

I have 1 large Amazon Sw. 6 Crypts, 3 Java, and a patch of Vals about 8"x2".   I'm really only looking for moderate growth.  Everything is growing great, Crypts and Vals are multiplying with new leaves and babies, Sword is getting bigger also.  I have used root tabs on everything except the Java's of course.

My question is this - how often should I replace my Aq. Coop root tabs?  Instructions say every 3-4 months.  I'm thinking more often.   Opinions vary from every month or every 3 months. 

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I've always heard every 2-3 months based on demand. Some people do it monthly even.

The just of it, monitor how much the plants are demanding and adjust accordingly. If you're seeing a lot of deficiency issues then maybe there's a nutrient schedule or water quality issue (gh or kh).

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