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Live foods.


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Going to be setting up live foods for the fish room. What are the top 3 choices?

fish to be fed are guppies, swordtails, mollies, multifasciatis, kribensis, and leopard/glow light danios, and bristlenose. 

number 1 obviously is brine shrimp.

I am looking for a couple self producing options. Something that you feed the colony and it should have a fairly continuous supply.

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On 12/22/2023 at 3:44 PM, Lennie said:

Daphnia second

White worms third.


all easy, does not need too much attention and most importantly, don't smell.

I will look into those. White worm generally requires a starter culture? Daphnia I will look into but from what I remember it blanched veggies in sealed water container in sunlight?

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On 12/23/2023 at 2:48 AM, JBeehler said:

I will look into those. White worm generally requires a starter culture? Daphnia I will look into but from what I remember it blanched veggies in sealed water container in sunlight?

I keep mine on the floor in the fishroom the top is open like a mini pond, I have floating plants there and a tiny yucky sponge filter on a very low setting, I feed a mixture of activated yeast and spirulina. If you have green water people use that too. I didnt have a chance to try sunlight yet but although it may help for algae, I would worry that the water would get too hot by the sunlight for their liking


I got both daphnia and white worms from other hobbyists to start my culture at home so yes you are gonna have to find one. I find it too risky to collect anything from a lake or so. And daphnia eggs didnt work for me sadly

@Guppysnail has worm cultures if you are interested in. Maybe dm her to ask if you are from the US

White worms basically want cooler temps, and you keep them in soil. You feed them bread, yogurt and nutritional yeast. Some people may prefer different feeding methods but so far this works great for me. All you gotta do is renewing the bread when it starts molding

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