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Java Fern

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I am new to the forum. I have tried to find an answer to this question online searching. But, I can not find an answer. If one can pot the rock wooled and potted fern in an easy planter, why can one not place the rhizome in the substrate? Or will the rhizome rot in the rock wool as well? I just can’t reconcile this in my mind. I am sure I am missing something. 

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TBMK, Rhizomes are the stem of the plant; leaves on the top and roots on the bottom.  Java Fern are epiphytes. They are not strictly root feeders, and the rhizome requires exposure to oxygenated water, nutrients, and light.  While they take some nourishment from the roots, the roots mainly serve to anchor the plant.  Burying the rhizome will stress the plant, and eventually kill it.

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