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pls help: edge of betta gills turning white


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I see, i only have one sachet on hand unfortunately 😞 i think it’s pretty diffcult to divide them into 5parts equally. 

I will try to get a box of it before starting the treatment since it’s suppose to be a 5d course. 

once treatment started its better to keep the tank dark. but i do have plants in thr, would it cause the plant to die or will it make my tank lack oxygen?

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On 12/9/2023 at 4:24 AM, yve said:

once treatment started its better to keep the tank dark. but i do have plants in thr, would it cause the plant to die or will it make my tank lack oxygen?

Plants can go ~14 days without light and be pretty fine. 7 days is usually for a blackout. Best case you kill some algae off. No big deal at all, they'll be good.

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i wanted to start treatment but i found that there are fungus in the tank on my plant (see attached)

should i throw out my whole anubis or isit smth wrounh w the water, i do have another tank cycling there are some worms in the tank.. would i be better for me to transfer my fish to the other tank or do water changes for my current tank? 


pls help thanks!


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On 12/11/2023 at 6:41 AM, yve said:

i wanted to start treatment but i found that there are fungus in the tank on my plant (see attached)

It's a bit difficult to tell what is going.on with that plant. The glare or just lack of light is tripping out my eyes and I can't see what's going on.  You can easily move the plant and dip it in a bucket or something if you need to try to save it. If the fungus is on the wood itself (or rock if that's a rock) then same thing.

The leaves look super healthy, but potentially that chunk of the rhizome is rotten. Either way, no.... None of that points towards a water issue. Things grow stuff sometimes.

On 12/11/2023 at 6:41 AM, yve said:

would i be better for me to transfer my fish to the other tank or do water changes for my current tank? 

You don't need to switch tanks. It could do more harm than food if there is a filter cycle issue. Adding fish to the other tank jumps the bioload and then you have an issue with an ammonia spike and the fish get sick from that process.

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okay thanks for helping! i finally got my hands on kanaplex - i have not started the maracyn treatment as i only have 1 sachet on hand. (i wanted to get at least 4more before starting as i’m afraid i am unable to get them & the treatment will be halted.. which lucky i didnt start as it was sold out in all the fish shops around my area 🥲).

i’m gna start treatment today using kanaplex, is there anyt i need to take note when using it?

Thank you!

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On 12/14/2023 at 8:43 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Always add air when using meds. It's recommended if you can to add aquarium salt as well. 1 tbsp per 3 gallons.

i do not have airstone.. instead i’ve used a fan to blow directly at the tank agitating the water surface hopfully it would help?

also do i need to dose stability during the course of treatment? 

lastly, during treatment using kanaplex do i need to keep the tank totally dark? or would sunlight/led room light/aquarium light still be okay? 

side note: the plant that has fungus growing on it seems to be due to rot.. i picked it apart and it smells so bad. i threw out those rotten parts and only a small portion if the plant is left which i’ve placed it back into the tank. i noticed before when thr was fungus growth on the plant my betta seem to always go there and seem to be eating it.. is that normal? even now when there’s some debris in the water (not sure what those are can be from plants/mulum etc) he will try to eat them - some he spits out some he actually eats. (is this normal betta behavior?) 😟

he seem to be pretty hungry hence i started to feed him alittle tho he gets rlly bloated quite quickly. even without feeding he’s alr abit bloated. not sure why… (maybe from the random things he’s been munching on in the tank?) 

previously tried fasting him for 5-7days his bloating did went down abit but it came back

i did a check on him today and his tail seem to have gotten worse.. there’s a hole in the tail (would this be expected during treatment? kinda like getting rid of the problem stuff before healing?)

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On 12/14/2023 at 4:35 AM, yve said:

i do not have airstone.. instead i’ve used a fan to blow directly at the tank agitating the water surface hopfully it would help?

Definitely try to get an air pump and something for you to use long term. I don't know how effective the fan will be. When the water has meds or salt it's thicker. It's harder to move. So using a pump or air to help move the water is also part of the reason for that.

On 12/14/2023 at 4:35 AM, yve said:

also do i need to dose stability during the course of treatment? 

lastly, during treatment using kanaplex do i need to keep the tank totally dark? or would sunlight/led room light/aquarium light still be okay? 

After treatment and water change, then add in the stability. If you're going to do another treatment, I don't.

Lower light helps with the stress on the fish and they don't feel the need to use energy coloring up, for instance.  It's not a requirement and you don't need to do so for kanaplex. Levamisole is light sensitive and you would want to.

On 12/14/2023 at 4:35 AM, yve said:

(maybe from the random things he’s been munching on in the tank?) 

Could be. That's why it's important to hold back food. Fish will eat off hard scape too. They can definitely go a week without anything.


On 12/14/2023 at 4:35 AM, yve said:

previously tried fasting him for 5-7days his bloating did went down abit but it came back

i did a check on him today and his tail seem to have gotten worse.. there’s a hole in the tail (would this be expected during treatment? kinda like getting rid of the problem stuff before healing?)

Yeah. It's the fin rot.

It takes time for things to develop. Meaning, you're dosing rounds of meds and it takes time to raise up the level or the antibiotics. Salt helps. If it's been 2 treatments and you don't see an improvement, there are 2 other meds recommended for the disease treatment.

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its been few days since i started kanaplex treatment, dosing every 48hr, however he seem to be getting worse.. his fins near his body started to tear and the tear seem to have gotten bigger.. tmr will be the end of the 3rd dose.. do i continue a second round of treatment? 

pls helppp😢



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On 12/18/2023 at 7:53 AM, yve said:

its been few days since i started kanaplex treatment, dosing every 48hr, however he seem to be getting worse.. his fins near his body started to tear and the tear seem to have gotten bigger.. tmr will be the end of the 3rd dose.. do i continue a second round of treatment? 

Yes I would follow up with the treatment.  Are you also using aquarium salt or able to get some?

You can see the fins growing on the bottom, so the signs are good.


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On 12/19/2023 at 7:05 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

Yes I would follow up with the treatment.  Are you also using aquarium salt or able to get some?

Yes i’m using both aquarium salt tgt with kanaplax since the start of treatment

Okay, will continue with the treatment, so this will be the 2nd round of treatment back to back after this round ends should i remove the medication via carbon?

there also seem to be ammonia in the water.. abt 0.25ppm. should i do a 25% water change and add in the removed amt of salt & dosing the meds?

oh i didnt know that’s new fin growth.. cos it seem to look like its receding back.. if its new fin growth thats great news!

thanks loads!

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On 12/19/2023 at 8:14 AM, yve said:

Okay, will continue with the treatment, so this will be the 2nd round of treatment back to back after this round ends should i remove the medication via carbon?

there also seem to be ammonia in the water.. abt 0.25ppm. should i do a 25% water change and add in the removed amt of salt & dosing the meds?

On the last day of treatment (day 6 I think) you dose the meds and then give it 24 hours. You would want to go ahead and then do a water change. I normally do 30-50% and then that will cut the salt level back as well as the med removal.

Once you're done with that, 24 hours later you'll be doing another water change and then dose in meds again.  You can also add in more salt at this point.

That gets you through to the two rounds of treatment. And then you'd clear things out with carbon and water changes (doing both is absolutely fine).

On 12/19/2023 at 8:14 AM, yve said:

there also seem to be ammonia in the water.. abt 0.25ppm. should i do a 25% water change and add in the removed amt of salt & dosing the meds?

You can add in stability or another bacterial starter. Fritz Zyme 7 is another one. I've use the aqueon and tetra ones as well. There is ammo is ammonia going on, but the salt in there also helps to counter that. Adding in (or having on hand when the salt goes away) that Bacteria would be a good idea to boost back up the filtration.

On 12/19/2023 at 8:14 AM, yve said:

oh i didnt know that’s new fin growth.. cos it seem to look like its receding back.. if its new fin growth thats great news!

thanks loads!

Yep! So hopefully we see the fish perk up and the colors come back as well. The body turning black like that can be a sign of an external protozoan parasite and so that's the next hurdle if if doesn't recover with salt alone.

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