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Honey gourami is suddenly unwell, with strange bump on side


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I noticed today that my honey gourami is more lethargic than usual, as if he's having trouble swimming. He's been either hanging at the surface or down near the bottom, or even in the roots of floating plants, sometimes tilted to one side. There also appears to be a swollen area on his left side/tail:



I'm thinking maybe this is the swim bladder? I saw him eat a little bit and poop today so I don't think it's constipation. I'll still avoid feeding anymore for a couple days though.

pH: ~7.6 | ammonia: 0 | nitrites: 0 | nitrates: ~10 | temp: 72 F

I've had him for about 4 months. Only tankmates right now are 6 male endlers, 2 nerite snails, and some ramshorns. Everyone else seems to be doing fine.

Any help with a diagnosis or advice would be appreciated. I love this little guy.


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It could be a  growth or an internal blockage as it's  passed some waste that's less likely  it could have a bacterial component what I would suggest with some of the symptoms your describing I would quarantine and leave a low dose of Epsom salt in the tank 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for 7days and I would do a course of kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component 

Edited by Colu
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On 11/28/2023 at 4:50 PM, Colu said:

It could be a  growth or an internal blockage as it's  passed some waste that's less likely  it could have a bacterial component what I would suggest with some of the symptoms your describing I would quarantine and leave a low dose of Epsom salt in the tank 1 table spoon for 5 gallons for 7days and I would do a course of kanaplex just in case there's a bacterial component 

One of my honey gourami had the exact same thing.  This is what I did for about 2 weeks. He cleared right up and over a year later is still doing wonderfully.  
As always @Colu has wonderful advice 🤗

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One of our honey gourami is doing the same thing but is in worse shape. It is very weak. We have it in a hospital tank with a heater but we are not running the filter because it cannot swim if there is any current. It swims to the top to get air, then sinks back down to the bottom and lays there - head up and tilted to the side a bit. Should I try epsom salt as well? There does appear to be a small bump or maybe a curve to its spine near the tail but I cannot get a picture because it’s too weak to hold itself upright for long. Not bloated and no obvious body or scale issues other than the bump near the tail. If anything, it looks on the thin side.

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@MN Mom sounds exactly how it progressed with my fish. Unfortunately I don't have anything else to suggest but I wish you luck.

Sadly mine continued to get worse after transferring him to quarantine with Epsom salt as Colu suggested. He only lasted about 1.5 days after I made this forum topic, eventually just laying on his side at the bottom of the tank. I didn't even get a chance to add the Kanaplex. RIP little guy.

Edited by JesseDubs
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