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Shrimp Tank Stress Mystery


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Ph 7.2-7.4

Nitrate: 0-15

Nitrite: 0

Ammonia: 0

Temp 74F-75F

Gh 200

Kh 80-100

Phosphate: 1-2

I came home from work to find that my oto was swimming the tank walls and the shrimp were very active free swimming. So I did a diagnostic and found nothing out of the ordinary. So I looked for less common problems like tank smell and static electricity, I did not smell methane rot and grounded the tank. I added some conditioner like some fish protector, and a little pimafix for the smell. I put in some partially used back of activated carbon that I hung over the high flow. No change, when in doubt do a water change, so I changed 3 gallons of a 8-9 gallon setup. Waiting for things to calm down. Might do another water change in the morning. 

Could it be bacteria or plants leching something into the water that is making it unpleasant that is causing the little critters to act up? Any ideas? The I got the stem plant form here (https://www.amazon.com/Aquarium-Small-Decoration-Creates-Carpet/dp/B08XYTHQ4P?pd_rd_w=gOxCO&content-id=amzn1.sym.d1bf6bee-b588-4538-8422-ca1ad75c6390&pf_rd_p=d1bf6bee-b588-4538-8422-ca1ad75c6390&pf_rd_r=AH1BXKP0GZMYRCMQXJXR&pd_rd_wg=IW8cZ&pd_rd_r=ff46ba5d-5635-4019-b4dc-bd277e7540e7&pd_rd_i=B08XYTHQ4P&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_d_grid_rp_0_60_t)


Edited by Stroy15
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On 11/24/2023 at 10:28 PM, Stroy15 said:

shrimp were very active free swimming

This always happens to me  right after a female shrimp molts. Males very actively free swim to find the fertile female/s before the shell hardens. When my shrimp get hyperactive like that usually the rest of my inhabitants become active from all the commotion as well. 

You did due diligence in checking everything.  Since nothing was off kilter I would not worry over much and chalk it up to all the shrimp spawning activity. Just watch and as long as nothing drastic occurs it should be fine. 

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On 11/24/2023 at 10:32 PM, Guppysnail said:

This always happens to me  right after a female shrimp molts. Males very actively free swim to find the fertile female/s before the shell hardens. When my shrimp get hyperactive like that usually the rest of my inhabitants become active from all the commotion as well. 

You did due diligence in checking everything.  Since nothing was off kilter I would not worry over much and chalk it up to all the shrimp spawning activity. Just watch and as long as nothing drastic occurs it should be fine. 

That might explain the shrimp but I am wondering why my oto is surfing the tank walls where he is usually much less active and munching at the walls and substrate, but for some reason he looks like he's trying to get away? Hopefully the carbon takes care of the mystery stressor.

Edited by Stroy15
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If you can, a video would help us see if the shrimp are stressed or if they are showing breeding behavior (or just hungry).  As for the oto, yeah, that's an interesting one.

GH seems a little high, but might be ok. 

Both the shrimp and the oto would do well with a piece of wood in there to graze off.

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On 11/26/2023 at 1:56 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

If you can, a video would help us see if the shrimp are stressed or if they are showing breeding behavior (or just hungry).  As for the oto, yeah, that's an interesting one.

GH seems a little high, but might be ok. 

Both the shrimp and the oto would do well with a piece of wood in there to graze off.

They do have a piece of wood, its just underneath the plants, the underside and back side of the wood is free to much on. I also throw in bits of almond leaves for them to much on as well. I may be the case that there are too many shrimp.


The day following of that night I found the oto resting in his resting spot so I become less worried. This night I saw the oto moving around the tank again while the shrimp were active again although less urgently as the other night. I think he is trying to get to the other tank next do which has tetras in it. Usually the oto likes to rest on those tubes or that Anubis leaf. Maybe part of the problem he doesn't have the best spots to sit and there are to many shrimp. I seen him eat sera algae bits that I press into the walls although usually he waits for it to fall to the floor before munching on it although I have not seen it very recently. I could be possible I am just watching his natural grazing behavior where he is exploring the edges of the tank looking for snacks. Here's a video (


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On 11/26/2023 at 6:44 PM, Stroy15 said:

I could be possible I am just watching his natural grazing behavior where he is exploring the edges of the tank looking for snacks. Here's a video (


You oto, she looks good! She's just grazing, yeah. They will move around like that when they see shadows too, so standing there recording and seeing her move around is normal.

On 11/26/2023 at 6:44 PM, Stroy15 said:

This night I saw the oto moving around the tank again while the shrimp were active again although less urgently as the other night. I think he is trying to get to the other tank next do which has tetras in it. Usually the oto likes to rest on those tubes or that Anubis leaf. Maybe part of the problem he doesn't have the best spots to sit and there are to many shrimp.

That's good. The shrimp activity, her getting touched on the body or something, could spook her and explain some of the movement you were seeing. If the shrimp were breeding or swimming around, sometimes the oto will even shoal with them and just cruise around following things in the water. They are a cool fish. As long as the girls aren't a weird color (pink is good , red is stressed) and she's eating, you're doing well. 🙂

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