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Has anyone keep Black Phantom Tetra with Cherry Shrimp?


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Most average sized tetras, in my experience, will eat cherry shrimp.  If you goal is to just have a community tank with a little of everything, it will probably be OK.  But I would maybe let the shrimp get established and then add the tetras.  I've seen my kerri tetras with adult cherry shrimp in their mouths and they can't really eat them in one bite.  But the school will tear them apart as they try to steal the shrimp from the one he caught it.  And they CERTAINLY eat a lot of shrimplets.  

If you're planning on getting excess shrimp out of the colony to sell or something, it probably won't happen.

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On 11/22/2023 at 9:39 PM, jwcarlson said:

Most average sized tetras, in my experience, will eat cherry shrimp.  If you goal is to just have a community tank with a little of everything, it will probably be OK.  But I would maybe let the shrimp get established and then add the tetras.  I've seen my kerri tetras with adult cherry shrimp in their mouths and they can't really eat them in one bite.  But the school will tear them apart as they try to steal the shrimp from the one he caught it.  And they CERTAINLY eat a lot of shrimplets.  

If you're planning on getting excess shrimp out of the colony to sell or something, it probably won't happen.

How about a heavily planted tank with a lots of cover?

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On 11/22/2023 at 8:42 AM, IlhamSetiawan said:

How about a heavily planted tank with a lots of cover?

This is the tank I'm talking about.  The big hornwort mass in the middle is where most of the visible shrimp and shimplets are.  There's also a good pile of bigger rocks center left that the shimp can use as refuge.  I'm sure there's still a lot of shrimp in this tank.  But I thought they were totally gone for months.  So... if the goal is to see the shimp, it might not be a great fit.  That said, you're talking about six tetras and I've got like 20 in here.  There's 15 kerri tetras and 5-6 other random "leftovers" from elsewhere.

Once you have a decent colony, it doesn't much matter if there's some predation.  They can certainly co-exist, but seeing the shrimp might be an issue.





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@IlhamSetiawan, Very intersting, I researched this just now and it looks like Phantoms are on the smaller scale of only 4cm but if they really are that greedy for a bite of shrimp I stand corrected lol. But to answer the question if you want tetra that badly but still want a black or darker-colored tetra, (remember to keep them in a school of at least 5) try X-ray or Black Neons. But if you have the money and still want Cherries, go with what @jwcarlson said and go with a planted tank, but be advised that those types of tanks are pretty pricey...

Edited by Kaiju
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On 11/22/2023 at 9:42 AM, IlhamSetiawan said:

How about a heavily planted tank with a lots of cover?

With enough plants and enough structure to hide in if you follow @jwcarlson advice and allow the shrimp to heavily establish the tank you will keep them alive. However when you have predators such as tetra in the tank you will not see the shrimp as much and miss seeing babies out and about. 

I have neocaridina in all 18 tanks. The tanks where the fish actively hunt them non stop I never see them. My A. Caucatoides tank I thought was eaten clear of shrimp until the tank leaked. I had a decent little colony under the moss wood structure where the fish did not fit. 

My GBR tank I occasionally see them out but not often. 

They get eaten in my ADF tank but the frogs are clumsy slow hunters so the shrimp are always foreground and about. The entire colony just scoots out of the way when a frog comes by. 

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