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General advice request.


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Im a fairly new aquascaper/fishkeeper. I am starting a shrimp breeding project containing Yokihi Ricefish and Orange Sakura/Orange Rili shrimp. Its a 9.6 gallon long. Wich means slimmer width but long length. I'm thinking of adding a big assortment of plants and rocks. I am using fine-grain sand and aquasoil. I don't really have plant ideas but I confirmed want grey-colored rocks like darker-colored Ohko stones. 


Any ideas or recommendations. I also need tools so any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

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If as you say this is a breeding project you're going to want to get those shrimp out of the tank from time to time to sell them or even just inventory them. It's nice when you can at least make your breeding tank look nice so in this case I would use things that are easily removed so you can net your bred animals. Personally I wouln't plant any plants- I would use rhizome only plants that you can glue to the rocks and move when needed. I love any type of Java Fern or Anubias that fits the tank you're using. This way the rocks and plants can be moved as needed with no need to uproot plants to find or catch stock.

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Well that's kind of what I'm saying, I'd skip anything carpeting in a breeding set up. I would stick with gravel or sand. Moss would be great as long as it's growing on the rock or wood you put in the tank- that way you can move those items when needed to catch shrimp. This is just my opinion though- if you really want to try carpeting don't let anyone stop you! 

Small tip for the forum, when answering a specific memberr-- type @ then start typing their screen name which will pop up and you can select it. If I wasn't watching the forum I'd miss your reply @Kaiju :-) 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/15/2023 at 10:19 AM, Kaiju said:

Any ideas or recommendations. I also need tools so any advice will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

The big items for me would be....

Feeding dish / Petri dish

Pinsettes or aquascaping tweezers

Bucket, small siphon, towel

Piece of wood (for shrimp)

Anubias works really well with the stone you've mentioned

GH+KH liquid test kit (needed for shrimp)

Shrimp net (not necessary, but helpful)

Cull tank or tub (if you're trying to breed strong coloration)

If you want to go the moss route (mentioned above) I would also suggest some moss thread to tie the moss to the wood or even moss ledges to tie the moss to.

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On 11/15/2023 at 1:54 PM, Kaiju said:

@nabokovfan87 Thanks a ton man! Any other advice or materials I could need/use? Or just make the tank look more aesthetically pleasing? 

I would check out a youtube content creator called George Farmer, Filipe Oliveira, and a major channel called Green Aqua.  Lizzie also has some very nice setups on the Aquarium co-op channel.  There's a ton of great content out there.

For reference, here's just one of the many available.  I really enjoy the green aqua master series as well.

The main thing is to just have fun with it and to enjoy the process.  Shrimp are generally pretty forgiving and just want to have a good setup.

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@nabokovfan87 I take inspo usually from people featured on Fish for Thought or channels like SerpaDesign and Dr.Plants. you should check them out if you don't know them. Thanks again for the advice and I will certainly watch these videos! 

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I wonder what the masterful @Cory would have to say lmao. If he does see this. I have questions for him.


-What should I use to feed the shrimp? I'm thinking wafers.

-How often should I feed?

-I'm going for a beachy shoreline kind of scape with a sloped bit of sand on the side. Any recommendations? 

-I want to sell some when they reach their Adolescent stage. How many should I sell at a time and how much?

Again; 9.1 gallon LONG, I have none of the materials YET, I'm finishing the designing and measuring stage of things. I should have these maybe before February.

All advice from anyone who sees this is greatly appreciated though!

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