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Betta refuses to eat now, 2 weeks so far.


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My betta hasn't been eating for nearly a week and a half and going to 2 weeks now. 

I had some family members overfeed him from 3pellets to 9 and 10. he was constipated.  Have yet to see him go to the bathroom! (put him in a clear tank with no substrate.) 

He won't eat:

Hikari Micro Pellets. he spits it out and not interested anymore. (he used to gobble them quickly)

Bug bites, he doesn't like it. he spits it out asap. not interest anymore.

Flakes, no interest whats so ever.

Bloodworms, no interest.

Daphhnia, no interest.

Mysis, no interest.

Small Pea, not even a nibble. (laxative.)

I did notice, he gets a pellet and spits it out with the hikari. 


Before all this, he was getting sick. (his scales turned really dull and red stripe.) 

he had a Salt Bath & Epson salt bath for 5 days, cured him up. his colors came back and he was his old self.

a week later. 

I did notice he is a bit lazy lately now, he was actively zooming in the tank. (his scales are still dark blue.) Im observing him.

I'm using a aquarium strips Bosike.

Hardness 75.

Nirate 0

Nirite 0

Cl2 0

Carbonate 80

Ph 6.8

And apparently, I just got a bacteria bloom. 


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How long have you had the fish and have you added any new fish to his tank recently as spitting out food and lose of appetite can be a sign of a parasitic infection if you had him a long time and added no new fish recently you can  rule that out

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On 11/18/2023 at 6:13 PM, shokanti said:

+no new fish.

+gave him garlic, didn't eat it.

now he is in ICU tank, and he is just laying on his side, but he is alive and alert after awhile he just flops over on his side unactive. 

It's not looking good what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes and do a course of kanaplex or maracyn2 which ever one is more readily available just in case there's a bacterial component and add an extra air stone during treatment 

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I'm sorry for your loss.

As a sidenote, sometimes fish "chew" food by spitting it in and out.  A lot of times I have certain foods that are just too dense and too hard for them to chew and that causes them to ignore the food when it's first dropped in.  I would recommend using smaller food when you can, or using flakes which can be a little easier to chew.  Another idea is to try to soak foods.

You have a ton of food in hand, so I don't want to add another to the list, but for a betta, this might be a good one to look into in future.  It's not a hard/dense food at all and from what I can tell on the label, pretty good (and affordable).


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