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Fish Wish Lish!


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I recently got a group of one of my wish list fish - sterbai corys - and I love them so much!

I would love to try keeping rams someday, especially electric blue rams. 

I also want to keep some sort of wild betta eventually. Betta hendra seem really cool, and they're endangered in the wild so breeding them in captivity is beneficial to keeping the species going.

I also really want a nice big school of green neon tetras at some point. I was going to get them for my 20 long but my lfs was out of stock and I went with a different schooling fish.

My biggest fish dream, if I ever have a yard, is to build a goldfish pond.

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On 11/8/2023 at 2:02 PM, Zeaqua said:

Hi all! Thought this might be fun. 
How many of you have that one (or several!) fish? You really want it, but for whatever reason, you just don’t have it yet. It could be rare or expensive, or you could just lack the tank space needed. Whatever it is, what’s on your Fish Wish Lish™️

A group of duboisi puffer to grow out and try to spawn... though the group of cross rivers have kind of taken that slot for the moment 

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On 11/12/2023 at 1:20 PM, DaniV said:

I would love to have a big Discus tank someday.  They seem so chill!

They are not chill, unfortunately.  Well, they're chill most of the time.  But sometimes one of the other ones eats a flake in a really scary way off the surface and send the rest of them into an epic fit banging into stuff.  😄

Discus were a fish I wanted to keep 20 years ago, but I decided not to based on my water and the care requirements.  I'm glad I waited.  I can't say that I really have a fish wish list beyond that.  I'd love a pair of apistos that spawns, so I guess that's on the list.  😄  I'm a little prone to impulse buying fish.  I just bought six Scleromystax barbatus this weekend, I'd never seen them, but watched some videos fairly recently of them and thought they looked cool.  We were walking out of a fish swap on Sunday and I noticed bags of them on a table... I hemmed and haw'd and my wife is was like "just freaking get them".  haha  $40 of six I thought seemed reasonable considering the pricing I'd seen online.  They've got a lot of growing to do and they have been pretty nervous, but tonight after water change they were swimming around a bit more and showing some character.  I have plenty of empty tanks, but I was planning on getting a couple of pair of rams to give a shot at spawning them.  So now the tank I was going to do that in has these barbatus and some Beckford pencil fish in it.  Whoops.


I will, eventually, make a swing to native fish at some point.  

Edited by jwcarlson
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