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anyone experienced Terracotta turning the water brown?


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I have always had crystal clear water for nearly months.


Added a terracotta into the tank,

First did this: boiled it for 2hrs. then left it in a bucket of cold water for 3 days.

placed it in the tank, its changing the water to a brown color.


any advice? 

I'm close to just get rid of it. (it was only 1.75$) lol

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I also just give mine a light rinse to remove any dust particles or dirt or anything like that, then drop straight in the tank.

I use it a lot in a lot of different tanks and have never had any water discoloration as a result.

As @nabokovfan87 suggested, I wonder if boiling the terracotta is the factor.  

On 11/5/2023 at 6:48 PM, shokanti said:

then left it in a bucket of cold water for 3 days.

Oh, another question . . . what was the color of the water after boiling the terracotta? What was the color of the water in the bucket after 3 days. Were they discolored too?

Honestly, I never boil anything that I put in my tanks. I give everything a light rinse and that's about it. The only thing I have ever put in my tank that have harmed my fish are other fish!

And I'll wish you a welcome to the forum as well!


Edited by tolstoy21
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  If you examine your pot closely, is the coloration consistent: inside, outside, and in the drain hole? The pot in the picture could have a glaze or other sealant.  I've never boiled Terracotta so I don't if it is possible to damage the finish or leach chemicals out by boiling.

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