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I ordered a 10 gallon cube aquarium from Amazon and received, ..., a tree.


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On 10/31/2023 at 3:36 PM, Galabar said:

Over the years, I feel like I get more and more issues with Amazon orders. 😞

Yep.... And a lot more conversations with support which is getting increasingly less helpful.

My favorite is when it's shipped from, sold by Amazon and it ends up being a third party and they try to push the blame off. I push back on that whenever possible because whenever anyone posts a review on the sellers it's "this review was removed, item was fulfilled by Amazon." Over and over again.

It's frustrating, because it's so hard to go to the local anything and get what you need sometimes.

The last one was literally fish food and dechlorinator. Had to buy it online.

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I guess I have been lucky, knock on wood, that I have ordered a lot from amazon and have never really had issues. One broken item in years. Instant refund, no need to send it back.  I have had bad luck ordering online from other places over the years though. Fortunately, my overall experience with online shopping has been pretty good. That is a great thing because I live in the middle of nowhere. About 20 miles in any direction to find anything other than my local walmart. Further if you want anything special.

As for the dechlorinator example, I had the same thing happen recently! Local (and I use that term loosely as it is 18 miles away) big box store said it was in stock but when I got there, cobwebs (literally). I too had to order. It seems a lot of things are that way today. At least in my area. Things are either no longer carried or are sold out for months at a time. 

Anyway, getting the wrong thing or something broken is such a letdown. It deflates your enthusiasm immediately, at least mine. I hope you get it sorted out quickly. 




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I buy more Amazon products than I want to, but when I can buy the same $125. widget for $15. on Amazon it's a no brainer.  Add on to that the fact that I have already prepaid all of the shipping with my membership.

The nexus between technology and humans is tenuous at best.  The wrong barcode, or the wrong part in the wrong bin...  The possibilities for error are endless.

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I am starting to notice more and more it pays to do a little google shopping search before buying on Amazon, as Amazon prices sometimes are more expensive. I purchased an Aquaclear 70 HOB online with free shipping for 45 euro at a local chain store the other day, send to me directly from Hagen (the distributor) free of charge. Hagen also sells on Amazon themselves, but charges 70 euro for the same item, with free shipping. I needed 2 so just saved myself 30 euro for looking around. 

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