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Very hard water- 2 options


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Starting a 90 gallon - low tech- medium plants- high fish load-community tank (Angels, tetras).  Using well water- RO is not an option)

KH is good. GH is my problem.

Two options for water

1- Water from water softener - GH 90pm-  I'll add calcium as it is low.

2- us the well water - GH - 450ppm. 

I'm not picky on my type of plants,  I plan on low tech-easy plants.  But the I'm concerned about angels in 450ppm GH water.

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Get locally bred angel and I guess it's not an option for you so, here's what ill do- get angels that are not too much finniky i.e. no new strains, get old established strains like- black, platinum/diamond, marbled, wild etc.,

Add them to softened water and then slowly over the period of month or 2 aclemetize them to your natural water source.

Most will get aclemetized, try your luck.


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On 10/30/2023 at 11:57 AM, svachon9 said:

Starting a 90 gallon - low tech- medium plants- high fish load-community tank (Angels, tetras).  Using well water- RO is not an option)

KH is good. GH is my problem.

Two options for water

1- Water from water softener - GH 90pm-  I'll add calcium as it is low.

2- us the well water - GH - 450ppm. 

I'm not picky on my type of plants,  I plan on low tech-easy plants.  But the I'm concerned about angels in 450ppm GH water.

Basically, California water right there.   Should be fine for a lot of things.  Val has worked, bacopa, s.repens, microsword, anubias does awesome as well as moss.

Because you're on a well, RO is recommended.  That being said I wouldn't chase parameters, there isn't a lot of issues with the water right from the tap.

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Honestly the more I think about it, I'm 63 and don't want make RO in my basement and haul 6 or 7, 5-gallon bucket for water changes.  So, I'm trying the water softener/Angel/plant option first.  If that does not work, it's likely the plants that die and not the fish, so I'll lose the plants and it that fails, I'll just go the hard well water and go with Ciclids. 

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I think the most important thing I've picked up here is "don't fight your water."  Going with what you have first (softened) and then trying the hard seems like a good plan.

In the Seattle area, we (I) have TDS < 30, KH < 1, and GH < 1.  So, I add a little SeaChem Equilibrium and Alkalinity Buffer to get those to 4 KH and 4 GH.  However, if I didn't, I think my fish would still be Ok, and plants might grow just a bit slower.  It's easy, so I do it.

Also, I agree, buckets suck... 🙂

Edited by Galabar
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You can also soften water a ton with heavy organic load if that is an option for you. But also angels are not terribly finicky about the gh like common belief. Neither are discus.


They possess a remarkable ability to push ions across their gills mechanically when magnesium and calcium are not present in the water, but if the water is not lacking in these then they do not need to use the ability and they live just fine, happy as clams. Many, many people have had success with both angels and discus in hard water.

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I think maybe the answer here is something like 60% soft water and 40% hard/well water.  Switching between the two is easy for water changes.  So maybe my HG is around 180-200 ppm which should be fine for angels and plants.  And I get some Ca back with a lot less sodium. 

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