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How to use Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole) for camallanus worm


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One of my fish tanks recently underwent treatment for camallanus worm using Expel-P and currently another one of my tanks are also undergoing this treatment.

The Expel-P medication seems to be working but I wanted to use Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole) a few times as a extra step to be completely certain the I eradicated this parasite since I heard that if given Fenbendazole in food, it will actually kill the Camallanus worm instead of paralyzing them like Levamisole does. 

  • How do you guys use this Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole) for camallanus worm? How is it suppose to be given to the fish?
  • What is the treatment plan when using this med? 
  • Have you guys had success treating camallanus worm using Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole)?
  • After treating them Fenbendazole, is it recommended to disinfect everything in the tank? Should I toss out driftwood, filter media etc? 


Thank you in advance


Edited by Tropicalfishkeeping201
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On 10/25/2023 at 11:34 AM, Tropicalfishkeeping201 said:

How do you guys use this Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole)?

What is the treatment plan when using this med? 

Have you guys have success treating camallanus worm using Panacur C Canine Dewormer (Fenbendazole)?

There's a lot of videos on youtube where shrimpkeepers use it for the sake of treating planaria.  It might get you on the right track as far as seeing success stories and how to methods visually.

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On 10/25/2023 at 12:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have not used fenben for camallanus worms but your topic made me curious. So I looked about and found this article. https://dianawalstad.files.wordpress.com/2017/12/camallanusarticle4.pdf

Thank you very much for sharing, I just read the article. It seems like Levamisole in water is effective but can also be a bit harmful according to the article. I'm going to give this recipe a try.

I was reading some posts here about how someone stated that they read an article stating that Fenbendazole in food is more effective in killing worms that are living inside the fish intestines than adding Levamisole in water which is why I wanted to give them Fenbendazole as an extra step to make sure I completely eliminate these worms and they don't come back ever again. 

I will give you guys an update on how things go @Guppysnail and @nabokovfan87

Thank you 🙂

On 10/25/2023 at 3:08 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

There's a lot of videos on youtube where shrimpkeepers use it for the sake of treating planaria.  It might get you on the right track as far as seeing success stories and how to methods visually.

Thank you @nabokovfan87 I'm going to checkout some videos 🙂

Edited by Tropicalfishkeeping201
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I used Panacur C to get rid of leeches in my tank.  I put 1 packet into a jar with 100ml of water.  Then dosed 10ml on the following schedule.  This did kill my pest snails as well.


Shake the jar and use a syphon/syringe to get 10ml out. A pharmacy can give you a child dosing syringe.

  1. Initial dose
  2. 24 hours later
  3. 48 hrs later
  4. 7 days after initial dose
  5. 7 days
  6. 7 days
  7. 1 month after last dose
  8. 1 month
  9. 1 month 


I didn't do any water changes along the way, to keep the medicine in there.  Hope this helps.

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On 10/26/2023 at 9:59 AM, Allan said:

I used Panacur C to get rid of leeches in my tank.  I put 1 packet into a jar with 100ml of water.  Then dosed 10ml on the following schedule.  This did kill my pest snails as well.


Shake the jar and use a syphon/syringe to get 10ml out. A pharmacy can give you a child dosing syringe.

  1. Initial dose
  2. 24 hours later
  3. 48 hrs later
  4. 7 days after initial dose
  5. 7 days
  6. 7 days
  7. 1 month after last dose
  8. 1 month
  9. 1 month 


I didn't do any water changes along the way, to keep the medicine in there.  Hope this helps.

That's a long treatment.  When did you see the leech die-off?

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On 10/26/2023 at 6:25 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Just a heads up - the dewormers are harmful to any snail friends you may have. You'll want to remove your snails, if you have any.

Thank you 🙂 @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, Thankfully I don't have any snails in my tank

On 10/26/2023 at 6:59 AM, Allan said:

I used Panacur C to get rid of leeches in my tank.  I put 1 packet into a jar with 100ml of water.  Then dosed 10ml on the following schedule.  This did kill my pest snails as well.


Thank you @Allan, I'm going to do this 🙂

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On 10/26/2023 at 9:24 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

That's a long treatment.  When did you see the leech die-off?

The leeches lay eggs, which survive the treatment.  So you have to keep the treatment going while the eggs incubate, then you have to kill those leeches.  

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