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Could use a bit of help


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KH will measure carbonates/bicarbonates only (CO3/HCO3).

So, you may have high levels of magnesium and calcium sulfates and chlorides, but no (very low) carbonates.

You can add something like SeaChem Alkalinity buffer to get the KH up.  You don't need a lot.  A KH of 3-4 (53.7 ppm - 71.6 ppm) should be fine.

You have a high GH.  I'm not sure what that means for plants and fish, but it *should* be Ok (can other folks comment on that?).


Edited by Galabar
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I use a product called alkalinity buffer for mine to raise up KH.  Second to that you can use, probably advised, to have some crushed coral or aragonite sand type of substrate.  That being said, you might just keep caridina shrimp and enjoy it! 🙂

There's always something that enjoys whatever water parameter you have.  It'll be interesting to see what you do.

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