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Apisto borellii opal


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Last month @TeeJay allowed me to adopt his beautiful borellii opal trio. George, Tammy and Crystal. 
They settled in nicely. George is a good boss. He stayed between the girls until they settled on territory on opposite sides. @TeeJay had Crystal in a separate tank so they didn’t have an established pecking order. 
A few weeks ago Crystal spawned. George for as good as a lady referee as he is definitely an awkward teenager when it comes to fertilizing. He fertilized the water column while his head was in the cave pointing his sperm outward 🤣

Yesterday Tammy laid front and center  I say that meaning under a stick touching the front glass in the center of the tank.  

I got to watch and George actually pointed himself the right way  I hope these make it  the opportunity to see the eggs hatch is new to me  mine all lay inside closed caves  











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Borelli opal are definitely one of the favorite; not sure how large your aquarium but you should be aware that the female with eggs can occasionally kill the male; like most polygamous species the females want nothing to do with the male once she has her precious. Naturally the actual issues are very dependent on individual fishes with some more harsh than others.

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It’s only a 20 long but extremely dense top to bottom structure and plants. The boy and other girl came to her side of the tank today. She shot out lightning fast and chased them off. 
I did notice he is a touch more bullish. He tries to wrangle the girls into the caves against their choice.  
They all have such different personalities. I’m really enjoying learning about them. 

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Well seems I’m on a roll today. I believe these eggs were not fertile either. They stayed white and she abandoned her little nook. 

I’ll lower the kh/gh a bit and wait for next time. I think it’s just her first clutch and George is not yet so swift at fertilizing. 🤷‍♀️

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On 11/2/2023 at 2:41 PM, jwcarlson said:

Hope everyone plays nice together!  🙂 I need to get some caves that I can actually kind of see into!

Beautiful fish!

They do. George is great. He won’t let the girls bicker. Whoever wandered into the wrong territory he physically puts his body between the girls and chases them back where they belong. He is even better at it than my caucatoides was. He keeps his girls in line 🤣


On 11/2/2023 at 2:41 PM, jwcarlson said:

caves that I can actually kind of see into!

One girl found a nook. She does not use either caves. The other uses a small coconut hut instead of the Apisto cave. 🤷‍♀️

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  • 3 weeks later...

Weirdness today. My one caucatoides girl hides her babies and patrols the center of her territory midwater. Unlike the other caucatoides girl who boldly parades her babies about the tank expecting everyone else to get out of the way. 

Tammy (borelli Opal) has I’ve got fry black markings. Her lower fins keep changing color and patterns like she is signaling to fry. A few days ago she had eggs. I see no fry anywhere 🤪

She will not allow George in her side at all. She even has her shrimp backed into a corner. 

Picture of Crystal who is normal pattern and color when not breeding. 

I fed the tank as if there are new hatch babies. So 🤞🏻


Tanmy today F90F6004-6597-4465-9A34-F6E915C3A62B.jpeg.fc153baeb49ec692f25d460c90da0f43.jpeg

Tammy cornering shrimp out of her territory F1BA24A8-D0A3-443D-A1D5-1EDDC9730C77.jpeg.d6a96ec53cf0c92fad8a2f2858926aee.jpeg


Crystal normal color and pattern for comparison 3E1CDA6F-1597-48D5-B01D-6C5A79A3688F.jpeg.37763d91376ba2a5babd385654f275d7.jpeg

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Either my male is confused or a bit slow but he scares me. 

His idea of dirty dancing for the girls is rolling on his side contorting his body. The same way they would if he was actually fertilizing eggs. But he does it in the center of the tank 🤪

Every time I see it I think he is dying. Then I see both girls looking on and rubbing on him. 

Tammy apparently had no fry. Yesterday she dropped her war paint and today her and Crystal both have on their sexy man catching dress. 

So I was vacuuming the tank today when George decided to put on a show. They have no fear of me it the siphon. I have to stop suction and nudge them out if my way. Today I stopped siphoning to try to video his Fish Dirty Dancing. By the time I dried my hands he stopped. 

With as violently as he shakes I half wonder if he isn’t fertilizing the water column and that’s why I keep getting infertile eggs??

So this is them not doing what I’m trying to video 🤣🤣🤣


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Caught George and Tammy Spawning. He just does not fit where she chose. I did move the log back a bit after last time. It’s crammed against the back wall but there still is not enough space. So Im not sure these are fertile again. 
 Video ended abruptly so I could chase Crystal away from the spawning site. Jealous any time George pays attention to Tammy. 


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  • 1 month later...

Both girls are on eggs again. Let’s see if George got the job done this time.  

He is such a prima donna.  He is glass surfing like crazy and keeps pesting the girls who keep shooing him away.  I spent a good deal of time today entertaining him.  As soon as I walk away he back to pesting the girl.  Attention hog!  

If it looks like the eggs are viable I’m going to move him until the girls raise their babies I think. I can’t see it not ending badly with as desperate as he is for attention. 

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Both girls are back out of the caves.  I usually find  infertile eggs with fungus when they emerge. 
This time there was nothing in either cave. I’m hoping this means George figured out how to correctly fertilize them and they were eaten as they hatched. 

George is happy again he has his girls to play with. 

Having patience is a skill that if you don’t have this hobby will teach you to master 🤣

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On 1/15/2024 at 10:29 AM, Guppysnail said:

Having patience is a skill that if you don’t have this hobby will teach you to master 🤣

Biology will do that to you, won't it?  I'm jealous that you see your apistos doing things together sometimes.  😄  Mine are at the "we have separate bedrooms because he snores" stage of their life now that I've had them for a year.  

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On 1/15/2024 at 12:08 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

You mean you don’t want baby Georges??

Yes I want Baby George’s. But it’s progress from George fertilizing the plants and all eggs infertile to at least I had fertile eggs this time. 

On 1/15/2024 at 1:31 PM, jwcarlson said:

your apistos doing things together sometimes

I’m surprised.  Mine are very peaceful. I even find both girls and George just hanging out on one side of the tanks.  Knock on wood I’ve seen no overt aggression and when the girls get testy George splits them up. 

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On 1/15/2024 at 2:18 PM, Guppysnail said:

Yes I want Baby George’s. But it’s progress from George fertilizing the plants and all eggs infertile to at least I had fertile eggs this time. 

I’m surprised.  Mine are very peaceful. I even find both girls and George just hanging out on one side of the tanks.  Knock on wood I’ve seen no overt aggression and when the girls get testy George splits them up. 

Mine aren't even wagging their tails at each other anymore.  But I did add six pencilfish a few weeks ago, so maybe that's got them a common enemy so they're just ignoring each other.  I feel like I've got their diet pretty well dialed in and the female is, significantly chunkier than she ever has been.  They're actually not aggressive at all, it's kind of neat that the male will referee for you.  That's a good trait. 😄

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