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Insteresting neocaridina genetics


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So in one of my tanks, I have Black rose shrimps. Some pics:




We've all seen this popular neocaridina chart by now:

you see where the black rose is? On right top

Shrimp Genetics neocaridina - Genetics and Selective Breeding - The Shrimp  Spot


I have never culled the shrimp in that tank. I also dont have any red colored shrimps in any tanks, and my orange sakuras are in the basement. So nothing similar to this color ended up in here %100. Well, I found this guy in the blackrose tank this morning:



Well, how exactly?? I have another black rose tank. Ive seen multiple wild colors yet nothing like this.

Was there sneaky chocos so this is the possible end result? How did a baby ended up like this?

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Very interesting! I personally don’t know a ton about shrimp genetics, but my guess is that in a prior generation, one of the black roses were bred with an orange or yellow shrimp, and it’s descendants were bred to appear as black roses. This way, they still look like black roses, but they still have yellow genetics.

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I have a shadow-gene blue shrimp with red rili pattern from a bloody mary cross.  It happens.  That is likely a drop from a Kanoko shrimp somewhere down the line.  Keep in mind, every single color started from red. So everything can pop red eventually.  It went from wilds ---> red ---> everything.



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If you don't meticulously cull the neocaridina shrimp, you will get a bunch of colors, especially with the blues and black colored ones. I have had tanks of them that I didn't cull for six or so months and I pull out all kind of colors. I also have a tank that I would throw culls into, and now there are some really nice ones of all colors, reds, blue, black, yellow, they just keep reproducing in there and making more.

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On 10/2/2023 at 1:30 PM, Andy's Fish Den said:

If you don't meticulously cull the neocaridina shrimp, you will get a bunch of colors, especially with the blues and black colored ones. I have had tanks of them that I didn't cull for six or so months and I pull out all kind of colors. I also have a tank that I would throw culls into, and now there are some really nice ones of all colors, reds, blue, black, yellow, they just keep reproducing in there and making more.

I see

My blues shoot dark blues lighter colors, rilis, etc but Ive never seen red or actual wilds yet.

However this red guy in black rose tank surprised me. I always thought one can shoot previous or later colors in the chart of their own path. Seeing black roses are on the blue side of the chart, I wasnt expecting a red but maybe a wild color or different blue varieties

My orange sakuras always shoot oranges and same for yellows

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There are definitely a lot of different shades of blue that show up in my blue tank, anything from really light barely able to tell its blue to a royal blue to navy blue almost black, and the same with the blacks, from a light gray to midnight black. Once in a while I will have a red or reddish orange shrimp show up in either tank, it it sure sticks out like a sore thumb in the tank of all darker shrimp. 

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I've only been keeping Cherry shrimp for about six months now. I have to say they are the coolest little critters! :classic_biggrin:  They never disappoint!  So many odd colors show up! For the most part, I still mainly have reds and oranges. I put three blues in with some oranges to see what will happen, still waiting to see what these little guys look like when they grow up.  :classic_biggrin:





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