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Unknown organism.


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I have quite a few microorganisms in my tank and I don't know what they all are but I couldn't really find anything on google about any microorganisms actually being dangerous in aquariums other than planaria with shrimp so I haven't been concerned . But about a week ago I saw a quite a large worm thing. Its about a quarter inch long and must be 50 times the mass of any other tiny worms I've seen so now I'm a little concerned. 

My tank has no fish in it and I don't currently plan on putting fish in but I want to move the plants when I get my new tank set up and idk if I should try and get this thing out or not before then. I plan on getting a betta and I'm guessing it would just eat the thing and I'm not sure if it could cause problems. Its probably harmless but I'm unsure and don't want to take any chances. If anyone knows what it is and could tell me if it could be dangerous that would be great.20230821_1222051.jpg.718df0a8eb5d1460a3d89520fc3e59e3.jpg

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I purchased a crypt from my local fish store that was infested with planaria. Didn’t see it until I got home. I put it in a nano cube with a betta and snails and never saw the planaria again. I have heard planaria is bad for inverts and I have heard that they aren’t. Cory has mentioned that he has them and breeds shrimp just fine. I’m on the fence about them. Will they eat a shrimp? Probably if the circumstances allowed, but so do my fish. 

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