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pls share photos of waste water after quarantine treatment


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I know it sounds gross but I was wondering if anyone had some photos tucked away of what their water from quarantine tanks looked like after successful treatment of parasites, and other ailments.

The reason I ask is because we are prophylactically treating newly purchased fish in quarantine, and found in only the swordtails' quarantine either lots of C-shaped poop or lots of (in hindsight, and too late to snap a photo) dead wormy looking things. The swordtails were the only ones not eating voraciously. They are very skittish right now but, from what I could see: they looked fine.

I have 3 other quarantine tubs, but no weird poop and certainly not as much. All fish were from different sources/hobby breeders.

It may just be that I am not used to bigger fish. I only have had a few months experience with green neon tetra, endlers and guppies. There are 5 swordtails (3 male, 2 female; yes, bad ratio) with each one about 1 to 1.5 inches long.

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They did it again. I found this 9 hours (edit: after water change) later. Screenshot_20230808-203333.png.4879d4cb7e50e5a24f3d44606a28e1ec.png They ate nothing. Too much poop for 5 fish that ate practically nothing. I got them home on Saturday, from the swap meet.

Is this poop or dead parasites?

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@Chick-In-Of-TheSea where is that tube of worms photo you love to torture me with?

On 8/8/2023 at 5:36 PM, HelplessNewbie said:

They did it again. I found this 9 hours later. Screenshot_20230808-203333.png.4879d4cb7e50e5a24f3d44606a28e1ec.png They ate nothing. Too much poop for 5 fish that ate practically nothing. I got them home on Saturday, from the swap meet.

Is this poop or dead parasites?

it definitely looks like worms to me.  I would do the treatment for a minimum of 4 rounds as you're now treating active issue as opposed to preventative.

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On 8/8/2023 at 9:09 PM, nabokovfan87 said:


@Chick-In-Of-TheSea where is that tube of worms photo you love to torture me with?


Well, you know they are saltwater, but I realize you still enjoy seeing them.


@Guppysnail intentionally grows worms that look like ramen noodles. Stick the Tupperware in someone’s lunchbox as a prank 🤣 @nabokovfan87 you’d die.

And just so this post is helpful to someone, here’s a picture of dead scutariella japonica (freshwater) flatworms. These were parasites I had on my shrimp. Fish parasites can look similar. I think the bottommost one is sand, but above that - rice-lookin’ things.


@HelplessNewbie fish can poop white if they are undernourished. Common in newly acquired fish.

I agree with:

On 8/8/2023 at 9:30 PM, Guppysnail said:

Even eating nothing they still shed the intestinal lining. That does not look like worms to me. Try feeding them and let them settle in. If they are not underweight, exhibiting pale, not eating. Give them time to settle and eat. Then reevaluate 

I’d add a low dose of aquarium salt to your quarantine tank. I Tbsp per 3 gal. It is a “broad spectrum” treatment of things, but no harm if there is nothing to treat. Also it can be used in conjunction with meds if you decide you need to treat later for something specific. The electrolytes will help with their slime coat as well.

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On 8/9/2023 at 2:51 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

And just so this post is helpful to someone, here’s a picture of dead scutariella japonica (freshwater) flatworms. These were parasites I had on my shrimp. Fish parasites can look similar. I think the bottommost one is sand, but above that - rice-lookin’ things.

I saw something like this.... on the glass.  Pretty sure it was a rhabdocoela and now I'm going to be concerned it's an SJ.  😞



.....and SJ is a type of rhabdocoela.  😞 😞 😞

I assume because it was on the glass it means something, but I am unsure what it means or was.


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On 8/9/2023 at 12:19 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

SJ on glass up close.  for reference.  (not my tank)


This is so interesting @nabokovfan87. I didn’t think SJ went on the glass, as I hadn’t experienced that in my tanks. I did have Rhabdocoela emerge during a treatment but it was DEFINITELY Rhabdocoela (our friends). They didn’t have the prongs or whatever.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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We have one casualty, while the swordtails are still in quarantine. Water parameters look good. They have started to eat, although there is still a lot of whitish poop on the tub bottom.

I am continuing another round of medications, but in the meantime, can someone tell from this photo what might have happened to this one? Not sure if it is male or female.


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