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Brackish microfauna

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How low-end? What SG are you running?

If you're running 1.010 or higher it might be worth it to track down some brackish macroalgae, like what they use for Opae Ula setups. I think it's a type of Chaeto, but I'm not sure if it's the same species that gets used in marine tanks (although marine Chaeto will tolerate brackish conditions). Not sure if all the marine pods and such would survive at 1.010, but if they did you could just buy some marine chaeto and seed the tank that way.

If your tank is lower-end than that, I'd imagine it's going to be tough unless you live close to some brackish waterways. It's hard enough to find brackish livestock, let alone something as niche as pods and other microfauna. I might personally look into seeing if any of the common freshwater microfauna can survive in brackish - it might be easier to get ahold of those and acclimate them to your tank via a drip method than it would be to track down brackish species.

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That's awesome, @BlueLineAquaticsSC!  As @Chris mentioned above, knowing your target SG is going to be really helpful in determining a full list of things that might be on the cusp that you could grow.  There are brackish water specialists like Ruppia maritima (think guppy grass for low salt environments) which would do well across much of "brackish". 

In terms of pods...  I'm a believer in the utility of microfauna in a tank!  But, I'm at a bit of a loss when it comes to where to obtain them commercially.  I do know of an eBay vendor who cultures microfauna for FW aquariums and lives in a coastal area (do they have brackish access?  don't know).  Plus, that would require convincing them to sell you something they collected.  Always possible, but you never know.  DM me if you want to know who that is to make the ask. 

Of course your target SG will likely be set by the needs of your intended livestock.  But regardless where you go with it, I'm stoked to see it come together!  I'm also happy to help in any way I can; just let me know. 

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Thanks for the advice, right now the gravity is 1.005 and I’ll make it fluctuate up to 1.010 through the year. I do have some chaeto right now in the tank since it’s the only macroalage I could find that will go that low. The only permanent resident right now is a gymnothorax polyuranadon, I had some swordtails and a scar but the magical moray pulled some of his disappearing acts on them.  

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The unfortunate thing is I think marine worms have to be axed. That might be in a range where finding brackish habitants will be hard. 

Most marine worms are fine to about 1.008. There are some kelp copepods around online that live in the marginal region of the beach meaning they tolerate full freshwater for a time. Marginal tidepools are…. On the margins. They only get saltwater during high tide and often their only source of water is freshwater via rain or underground creeks.


They are often sold as bait. Thats all I got. You could buy some live mangrove mud from Florida. They at least have brackish micro fauna living in there. Just be careful with it it’s expensive for no good reason so finding a trustworthy source can be hard. I got mine from 2 little fishies I think. And that felt sketchy, website still running on windows vista…



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On 8/6/2023 at 4:19 PM, OnlyGenusCaps said:

They are a respected company in the reef world.  You might have even gotten what you paid for!  😁

I absolutely did. Didn’t feel safe, haha but the mud was perfect. I still have it sitting in a bucket with saltwater I refresh every month for when I attempt mangroves/brackish tank again. 

I keep it outside during the summer and the birds here…. Bathe in it? 

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