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Fish stocking ideas


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Sorry if i too much asking since im still beginner in this hobby, i want to add fish in my 30 gallon tank, especially that eat algae, bottom dweller, Schooler & snail eater

Here is my tank inhabitants:

2 Black skirt tetra

2 Denison barb

2 Sunset thicklip gourami

1 Serpae tetra

1 Variatus platy

Some nuisance Trumpet snails

For algae i think Otocinclus will be great

What do you think?


Edited by IlhamSetiawan
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Cool wood pieces! I would echo what was said about the groups, Particularly the serpaes, they tend to be a little nippy with other species unless kept in a group of five or  more (in which case they keep their nippiness more within their group.) Also The tank may be a bit small for the Denison barbs, They grow to 4-6 inches and are a shoaling fish as well, meaning they prefer a large group. Generally, a 55G or larger is recommended for them. Best of luck!

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I agree with @TheBlueBeetle and @Janoš Bećar Pecaroš. You might also try a nerite snail for algae, instead of fish.

And while I don't want to speak for anyone else here, I wouldn't worry about asking a ton of questions here, because a) we all did it too and can now pay it forward and b) it's more opportunity to talk about aquariums and fishkeeping, and who doesn't like that?!

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Most otto will die after shipping due to starvation - there is a bacteria in their stomach that will die if they aren't fed. If you buy otto you should ensure that the store has qt or held them for 2 weeks before buying them. 

Also your fishes have a fundamental clash since generally speaking tetra are softwater fishes (as well as otto) and platy are hard water fishes. 

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I like Amano shrimp for eating algae, but the barbs may eat them. I usually keep very small fish, so I don’t have much experience with larger ones. Nerite snails are good algae eaters and may be less susceptible to predation than shrimp. I don’t have experience with algae eating fish but I’ve heard otos are the best small algae eating fish. I believe they need to be in groups to be happy, but I may be wrong.

I personally like a bit of algae in my tank; algae helps keep the water clean just like plants do. I clean it off the glass so it looks nice but I think it growing on decor and hardscape looks natural (which I like).  You could also try adding some floating plants to uptake some of the nutrients that are fueling algae overgrowth, or reducing the amount of time your lights are turned on.

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