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Spore attached to cory??


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Hello Forum,

I found a strange spore like growth on the underside of my cory. He is currently already in a QT tank, last days of paracleanse + kanaplex (round1), being treated for rapid breathing, low energy, and looking thin. He is eating repashy and I medicated some brine shrimp with kanaplex + metrocleanse.

But what is this furry white spore underneath?? I was wondering why he looked a bit unbalanced and now it’s more obvious. He swims fine but tilts sideways. It looks attached although I don’t see any redness. @Colu do you have any ideas what this spore is? Kind of alarming?? 

i also see this white hairy floaty things in my QT tank…what is this?? i had bleached the tank and contents prior to using.

any insight would be helpful thank you!







Edited by Jaspyjasp
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Looks like saprolegniasis it's a type of water mould the active ingredient in ick X malachite green is an effective treatment and aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 3 gallons I wouldn't go above that levels of salt with Cory's @Jaspyjasp

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Water parameters are fine in QT. I did a big water change - actually redid the whole QT tank and found an organic thing that was prob the culprit sprouting with the hairs!  Fresh new tank water + new water for QT . I’ll add the ichX later today when he readjusts after his little salt bath @Colu and @Maximus

Is that fungus thing salvageable? I didjt think that food mold could grow on a fish. He is still eating, but it doesnt allow him to lie flat. 


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On 7/24/2023 at 9:05 PM, Jaspyjasp said:

Water parameters are fine in QT. I did a big water change - actually redid the whole QT tank and found an organic thing that was prob the culprit sprouting with the hairs!  Fresh new tank water + new water for QT . I’ll add the ichX later today when he readjusts after his little salt bath @Colu and @Maximus

Is that fungus thing salvageable? I didjt think that food mold could grow on a fish. He is still eating.

Its caused by a microganism that affects the fish when the  slime coat has been compromised by disease or stress once the skin is contaminated the microganism destroys layers of the skin look very similar to a fungal infection

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@Colu @Maximus

ugh, the little guy just passed after I added the ichX. He was prob too weak. This past week i could not figure out what was wrong with him aside from his fast breathing and lethargy. There wasn’t anything visible i could see. It was underneath him. That spore fungus must have been growing beneath him this whole time, i couldnt see it 🫥🫥🫥 ehhhh…

thank you so much for your help. I appreciate the fast replies. I guess something else new to watch out for 😭




@Colu ah i see. Thank you for the explanation. I guess we’ll see how he does these next couple days…i’ll add the ichX. Thank you!

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On 7/24/2023 at 4:14 PM, Maximus said:

Sorry that it ended up like this. How long did you have them? The tank bottom looks nice and clean but I've also heard it's preferable to keep at least a thin layer of substrate for corys.


hi @Maximus - this was just the QT tank the cory was in. The main tank has sand yes 🙂 The other cory are doing fine. I had another one die unexpectedly but I was out of town and my friend was watching the tanks.  It could be because these are new cory additions. I should have  QT’d them longer. 




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On 7/24/2023 at 11:33 PM, Jaspyjasp said:

@Colu @Maximus

ugh, the little guy just passed after I added the ichX. He was prob too weak. This past week i could not figure out what was wrong with him aside from his fast breathing and lethargy. There wasn’t anything visible i could see. It was underneath him. That spore fungus must have been growing beneath him this whole time, i couldnt see it 🫥🫥🫥 ehhhh…

thank you so much for your help. I appreciate the fast replies. I guess something else new to watch out for 😭

Sorry to hear that saprolegniasis does have a high mortality rate  even with treatment  

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