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Possible full tank problem?


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This is my 20 high. It has concolor cories, mutt guppies (which I cull to keep blue), 1 female betta (for fry control), and mystery snails. 

About a month ago I noticed a lot of the guppies were very thin. I had hatched 2 clutches into the tank and therefore the gh, kh and ph all dropped. I added crushed coral and wonder shells and the guppies, as well as the mystery snail shells, seemed to improve. 

I just noticed this concolor with shredded fins. I'm not sure if rot or maybe the female betta nipping. It also caused me to look closer at the guppies. As a whole they do look better but some are still thin, a couple have red gills, and at least one has a sunken belly. 

Concolor with shredded fins:


Guppy with sunken belly:


Thin guppy with red gills:


Video of guppies:

Video of a male guppy who looks fine but I just wanted to share because I think his colors are coming in amazingly. 


Edit to add:  I forgot to add current parameters. Also, it's good to note that the tank did go through a recent ammonia spike likely due to lots of snail poop. I have done a lot of gravel vaccing. 

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate:  10

GH:  14 - this is lower than what my tap usually is but I plan to get a current test of my tap later

PH -  7.6 -  again lower than what tap usually is and will test tap later

KH -  I don't trust my results on this. I got to 20 and stopped. I'm going to take the water into my LFS to see their results. 


Another edit to add:  I've considered adding aquarium salt but I'm worried about how much of it the mystery snails can take. I could consider moving them to another tank temporarily. 

@Colu @Guppysnail

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On 7/21/2023 at 1:27 PM, Cinnebuns said:

This is my 20 high. It has concolor cories, mutt guppies (which I cull to keep blue), 1 female betta (for fry control), and mystery snails. 

About a month ago I noticed a lot of the guppies were very thin. I had hatched 2 clutches into the tank and therefore the gh, kh and ph all dropped. I added crushed coral and wonder shells and the guppies, as well as the mystery snail shells, seemed to improve. 

I just noticed this concolor with shredded fins. I'm not sure if rot or maybe the female betta nipping. It also caused me to look closer at the guppies. As a whole they do look better but some are still thin, a couple have red gills, and at least one has a sunken belly. 

Concolor with shredded fins:


Guppy with sunken belly:


Thin guppy with red gills:


Video of guppies:

Video of a male guppy who looks fine but I just wanted to share because I think his colors are coming in amazingly. 


Edit to add:  I forgot to add current parameters. Also, it's good to note that the tank did go through a recent ammonia spike likely due to lots of snail poop. I have done a lot of gravel vaccing. 

Ammonia: 0

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate:  10

GH:  14 - this is lower than what my tap usually is but I plan to get a current test of my tap later

PH -  7.6 -  again lower than what tap usually is and will test tap later

KH -  I don't trust my results on this. I got to 20 and stopped. I'm going to take the water into my LFS to see their results. 



@Colu @Guppysnail

It could be stress from the spike as well as the crash in GH and pH. Did you notice any shimmying in the skinny guppies? Almost like they’re slithering like a snake while swimming?

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On 7/21/2023 at 12:39 PM, Zac said:

It could be stress from the spike as well as the crash in GH and pH. Did you notice any shimmying in the skinny guppies? Almost like they’re slithering like a snake while swimming?

One male was shimmying but no others. I put him in a different tank during the spike and he's been doing better. He's still there for now. 

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On 7/21/2023 at 2:16 PM, Cinnebuns said:

One male was shimmying but no others. I put him in a different tank during the spike and he's been doing better. He's still there for now. 

Some fish are naturally weaker than others and take longer to recover or don’t recover at all. I’d say just keep parameters stable. If you want you can move the sick fish to the tank with the male to recover more you definitely could

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On 7/21/2023 at 6:47 PM, Colu said:

Am not seeing any Redding to the edges of fins that would indicate fin rot could be thought nipping or something else could be going have you added any new fish that could have bought in parasites to your existing guppies @Cinnebuns

No new fish

Well, other than the fry that show up a few times a week haha. 

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It just came to me. No new fish recently but a few weeks before I first noticed the issue and thought it was a gh problem I did get 2 male guppies from my LFS. I have gotten parasites from them before. So that's possible. That's probably been close to 2 months ago but I know some parasites work slowly so maybe. Or same with wasting disease. Although the 2 males i got look fine themselves. 

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On 7/22/2023 at 3:14 AM, Cinnebuns said:

It just came to me. No new fish recently but a few weeks before I first noticed the issue and thought it was a gh problem I did get 2 male guppies from my LFS. I have gotten parasites from them before. So that's possible. That's probably been close to 2 months ago but I know some parasites work slowly so maybe. Or same with wasting disease. Although the 2 males i got look fine themselves. 

With parasitic infections you will get the odd random fish death every couple of weeks with the weight lose I think it would be worthwhile treating with Expel p once a week for 3 weeks 

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Expel p active ingredient is levamisole that treats different types of parasites such as nematode worms round worms hooks worms praziquantel treats flukes and tape worms  tape worms can also cause weight lose @Odd Duckhas a good treatment protocol for parasitic infections @CinnebunsIMG_20230205_0031502.jpg.cfea93fc1beb4990ccb2b4411bb189e4.jpg



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