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new angel fish stuck to bottom of tank

murphy lover 101

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I have a school of 6 angel fish in an established 55 that I got a few days ago and one of them is at the bottom of the tank with a curved body struggling to swim but not dead. What is happening? Is the ammonia still harming them?

Ammonia .25 (being suppressed with dechlorinator until bacteria catches up to new bioload as I have been feeding a lot)

nitrite 0

nitrate 30

ph 8.2 (in the process of lowering it with almond leaves is 3 for 55 gallons enough?)

temp 79

IMG-2203 (2).PNG




Edited by murphy lover 101
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It's difficult to specify what is going on. I would recommend daily 50% water changes to dilute the ammonia out and help the fish. Adding an airstone may also be beneficial at this time.

The goal is to get the water quality up to par first and foremost.

The fish looks a little beat up. I don't know if it was attacked or what is causing stress. I would isolate the fish in a QT setup or in a breeder box if possible for now. Check for wounds or places where the fish could injure itself as well.

Right now I would simply focus on water changes and monitor the situation. The only explanation or guess I have is that filtration or that the other fish caused some damage to this angel.

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Agreed; I’d water change along with using the detoxifying dechlorinator to help the bacteria out. It takes time for them to multiply.

On 7/17/2023 at 5:07 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

on. I would recommend daily 50% water changes to dilute the ammonia out and help the fish. Adding an airstone may also be beneficial at this time.


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On 7/16/2023 at 10:02 PM, murphy lover 101 said:

ph 8.2 (in the process of lowering it with almond leaves is 3 for 55 gallons enough?)

I don't think catappa leaves will work long term to lower the PH/KH. You'd want to use wood, aquasoil substrate (even in a bag) or something like seachem acid buffer.

Does the fish look like the tail fin is deteriorating? Does it look like fin rot?

Do you have any way to test your KH?


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no fin rot or kh test. I got some ammonia remover mixed with carbon while I was out today which will remove my tannins but is what is. I lost the other one as well and remaining four are acting normal. I put the pellets in my 207 without a filter media bag because when I used the bag there were spots where water could get through and I put some filter floss on top to keep them from escaping into the aquarium and will do a water change after dinner.

On 7/17/2023 at 2:28 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Do you have any way to test your KH?

I have the bottles but don't have a chart to compare it to or the instructions to run the test.

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On 7/17/2023 at 5:54 PM, murphy lover 101 said:

I have the bottles but don't have a chart to compare it to or the instructions to run the test.

They have the charts online in case you lose them. Not perfect, but better than nothing. Here is the API one.


Essentially, you count the number of drops until the color shifts.

On 7/17/2023 at 5:54 PM, murphy lover 101 said:

I put the pellets in my 207 without a filter media bag because when I used the bag there were spots where water could get through and I put some filter floss on top to keep them from escaping into the aquarium and will do a water change after dinner.

Peat pellets?

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I have completed kh and gh testing. Kh is 8 and I couldn't get the gh to turn green so either I have super super high gh, or the test has gone bad, which is possible if it's heat sensitive as it's been in my hot garage (I live in Arizona) for a couple years. How concerned should I be about the gh?

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On 7/18/2023 at 9:38 PM, murphy lover 101 said:


I lost another one over night ammonia .25 nitrite 0 nitrate 40 ph 8.2

As your still losing fish I would also do a course of maracyn2 in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days just in case there's a bacterial component to the death's and add an extra air 


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On 7/18/2023 at 9:49 PM, murphy lover 101 said:

I don't have either I would have to go buy it. Could I put it in repashy?

would it work to add salt to the tank?

Yes you can add it to repashy just mix in the medication as it starts to thicken . Salt Will work at the level needed 1 table spoon for 2 gallons it will harm your plants 

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