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Cholla Wood for my aquarium?

Eric G

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I have a few cherry shrimp and blue shrimp. I am looking for another hiding spot for them besides my plants. Is cholla Wood  a good hiding spot for them? If so do you need to prep it anyway before putting in tank, wash? Boil? Do I have to worry about it lowering my ph? I have a lot of mickey platys, Mollys and a couple Siamese algae eaters, do I have to be concerned with their health if I put the Cholla Wood in the tank? As always I appreciate any suggestions


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I have use cholla wood in my aquarium a couple times, so far I've boiled the pieces until they became water logged enough to sink.  I haven't run into any weirdness in my 29 gallon aquarium with it in there.  My plecos did just fine with it along with my other "community" fish (platties, black skirted tetras, cories, Denson barb, buenos aires tetra, etc.)  I haven't noticed it lowering my pH, but the water here tops 8.0 pH on its own so it would take a lot for a small piece of wood to lower it.  I would say it lasted maybe a year before the pieces had become too thin and soft such that they started to fall apart.

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On 7/2/2023 at 6:15 PM, Eric G said:

Is cholla Wood  a good hiding spot for them? If so do you need to prep it anyway before putting in tank, wash? Boil?

You won't have to worry about it lowering PH because it's going to be extremely small compared to the water volume.

As for how to prep the wood I just do something like this:


Consider dragon stone as a hide for shrimp as well.

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