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pretty sure my adult male betta is constipated. Looking for the amount for salt to water for QT and Epsom bath instructions

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@Colu and @nabokovfan87 and @Torrey and @Guppysnail at Everyone else:

I am looking for the right ratio of aquarium salt to gallon of water for an adult male betta.

I also want the Espom salt bath instructions.

(I can find them in an instant when it is someone else's fish, but when my fish is my search never works right.)

I have a male betta happily swimming around a 55 gallon planted tank with a distended belly. I'll get the water parms in a few minutes. The temp is 79f. Just added 2 photos.   I am cleaning a QT tank and going to set him up with RO mixed with seachem chemicals, and some tank water. I will also add a bunch of IALs and a cube of frozen bbs. I want to add the right about of aquarium salt to the tank, then later set up an Epsom bath for him.

I'll add the water parms with an edit after I post this. You can answer or wait for the parm info.




water parms: 1st his tank, then mixed new water RO

NO3 25, 0

NO2 0, 0

Cl2 0.8, 0 (These strips always show Cl a few days in? Cats hid ACO strips, so I am using back "Future Care" strips))

GH 75, 50

TA 180, 200

KH 120, 180

pH 7.2 , 7.8

adding photos, but they don't show the belly well:



Will get better photos once the QT is set up.

Thanks for looking



Edited by KittenFishMom
added water parms & photos
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On 7/1/2023 at 1:17 AM, KittenFishMom said:

@Colu and @nabokovfan87 and @Torrey and @Guppysnail at Everyone else:

I am looking for the right ratio of aquarium salt to gallon of water for an adult male betta.

I also want the Espom salt bath instructions.

(I can find them in an instant when it is someone else's fish, but when my fish is my search never works right.)

I have a male betta happily swimming around a 55 gallon planted tank with a distended belly. I'll get the water parms in a few minutes. The temp is 79f. Just added 2 photos.   I am cleaning a QT tank and going to set him up with RO mixed with seachem chemicals, and some tank water. I will also add a bunch of IALs and a cube of frozen bbs. I want to add the right about of aquarium salt to the tank, then later set up an Epsom bath for him.

I'll add the water parms with an edit after I post this. You can answer or wait for the parm info.




water parms: 1st his tank, then mixed new water RO

NO3 25, 0

NO2 0, 0

Cl2 0.8, 0 (These strips always show Cl a few days in? Cats hid ACO strips, so I am using back "Future Care" strips))

GH 75, 50

TA 180, 200

KH 120, 180

pH 7.2 , 7.8

adding photos, but they don't show the belly well:



Will get better photos once the QT is set up.

Thanks for looking



For Epsom salt baths 1 table spoon for 1 gallon for no more than 15 minutes for 5 days is what I usually recommend aquarium salt I would start at 1 table spoon for 3 gallons and up  in a couple of days to 1 table spoon for 2 gallons if your not seeing any improvement 

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That's the side effect of having a betta in a community tank I feel like. Even in a sorority. One female of mine tend to overeat compared to any other girls. People deal with aggression in sorority tank. I deal with a lady who is constantly hungry and willing to slurp the food of everyone 😄 .


Feeding them in a balanced way is hard in a community. They tend to either eat a lot or less than they should, and it is very hard to stick with a daily schedule for a specific betta if it's a community tank. I would probably not feed him for a couple days and see how it also goes in addition to Colu's recomendations. 

I made an assumption of it being a community as it is a 55g.

Hope your lil friend gets better soon.

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What do you feed?  Flake food can bind bettas up.

In addition to the salt, I would fast for 2 days and then feed daphnia. Frozen or live is best but i can never find it myself so I use freeze dried. 

On 6/30/2023 at 9:52 PM, Lennie said:

Feeding them in a balanced way is hard in a community. They tend to either eat a lot or less than they should, and it is very hard to stick with a daily schedule for a specific betta if it's a community tank.

I've been struggling with this with my female betta tbh. I haven't yet found a solution. Maybe I need to make a thread for it lol. 

Edited by Cinnebuns
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On 7/1/2023 at 2:09 PM, Cinnebuns said:

I've been struggling with this with my female betta tbh. I haven't yet found a solution. Maybe I need to make a thread for it lol. 

If its a single betta, this works the best for me:

I have two males that I keep in a community. One is the most peaceful boy ever. he lives with clown killis and endlers.

Second male, lives with endlers and snail friends.

For these tanks, I crush the pellets a lot so this way, endlers and clown kilis enjoy their food more spread all around the surface. Rather than adding 20pellets now there is small particlers around all the surface. This distracts endlers and clowns going for bettas pellets as they are amazed of having food everywhere. At the same time, I slowly target feed male bettas in a corner as they are puppies. I find this to work the best for me.

Also bettas don’t seem to like going for small food particles much on the surface in my experience. So it creates a difference on both sides feeding. 
It is just crushing food every day can be a bit bothering for some people. I personally don’t mind it.


I’m still working on the betta sorority feeding tho. The only thing ruins it is sparkling gouramis. Otherwise, all pygmy cories, red lizard whiptails, snails and L199 can easily be fed after lights are off.


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