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Identify the spots


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Can anyone help identify the white spots that I am getting on some of my driftwood. At first I thought they might be snail related (like eggs) now I am not sure. I would like to know if I need to worry about them or if they are just plain polka dots. If I do need to worry about them how do I get them to disappear.

White Polkadots.jpg

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On 5/19/2023 at 10:24 AM, Lennie said:

Most of them look like nerite eggs.

A few on the left side look a bit like fish eggs, but it might be the picture.

What's your stocking?

No Stockings on this tank but plenty of Nerites in the tank. Its a 20 long with an under gravel and han on the backs. Also no fish, only 1 and her or she is a Blue Pleco. This tank is all Sapphire Shrimp and a variety of snails. Mystery and Nerite on purpose and then a host of hitch hikers alias Ramshorns. If it is not some dangerous fungi, I wont worry. Nerites I thought would not breed in fresh water. My water is hard no question but far from brackish. If they hatch, Great! Love the Nerites.

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On 5/19/2023 at 8:49 PM, ktk4beees said:

No Stockings on this tank but plenty of Nerites in the tank. Its a 20 long with an under gravel and han on the backs. Also no fish, only 1 and her or she is a Blue Pleco. This tank is all Sapphire Shrimp and a variety of snails. Mystery and Nerite on purpose and then a host of hitch hikers alias Ramshorns. If it is not some dangerous fungi, I wont worry. Nerites I thought would not breed in fresh water. My water is hard no question but far from brackish. If they hatch, Great! Love the Nerites.

Sadly you cant have baby nerites unless they are the specific ones that live and breed in freshwater,such as the ones we have in my country, Theodoxus anatolicus.

Those look like mini ramshorns. 

They are very likely nerite eggs then. 


^ these ones looked a bit like fish eggs to me but obviously isn't considering your stocking and it is just picture being a lil blurry.

P.S: very cool botanics btw. Loved it

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