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Yo-yo loaches

Flying fox 6523

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I have 2 in a 75 gal aquarium & 1 is a bit smaller than the other 1
but when they come out to look for food their a sight to watch 
they dart all over the aquarium & all under the rocks & plant's &
they disappear out of thin air, they are so cool to just watch.

I have another aquarium a 30 gal & it has a good bit of snails 
I just pull out & feed to the loaches just to feed them a snack 
& they do a great job keeping the snail population at bay, they 
don't eat my nerite snails or my Ramshorn snails that's a plus.

So if anyone who is on the fence about owning these fish 
don't be, they're pretty awesome to watch play around 
they don't eat the plants unless they have dead leaves 
they WILL uproot them if there not deep enough 4-sure.

If you have any yo-yo loaches spread the love of these 
little critters, they are fun for entertainment in a tank 
they will argue a little but nothing serious to worry about 
as long as they have plenty of space to get away from
each other & some place to hide that's pretty much it. 

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On 5/2/2023 at 9:46 PM, Jacob Hill-Legion Aquatics said:

I bought a used 75 gallon that came with 2 yoyo loaches and I loved them! they were so fun and playful but I feel like they would have done better if I got like 4 more because they were still pretty skittish

Yea mine are too still pretty skittish, & they love to hide most the time 
but when they come out their all over the place in my 75 gal, it's a job 
to catch them in a tank that size, when you know they are very fast.

On 5/2/2023 at 8:07 PM, Guppysnail said:

I’m a diehard snail girl but you make these sound so wonderful even I am interested. 

Ha ha ha I have to say I was skittish about them too till I done 
a lot of research on them & still wasn't a 100% on them till I 
seen them up close at the pet store & took a chance on them 
& since I've had them they have won my heart having them.

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I'm happy to see that you have given them a chance! 

If I was not a snail guy, like @Guppysnail, I would def try some loaches as well.

Yoyos in my LFS are sooo small 😄 They look adorable.

would love to see some pics if you!d like to share some day

Edited by Lennie
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As a general rule like most boita they should be kept in a group of at least 5 (the more the better) and they can develop bad social behavior if not kept in a group. Unfortunately yoyo do get fairly large over  a couple of years and would require a decent size aquarium. zebra loaches are much smaller (not as small as dwarf loaches) but are also a lot more shy; dwarf loaches are still smaller - a group of 10 in a 40B is a sight - and they are not very shy and extremely active. Clown loaches are wonderful but a group of 10 would require at least a 180 and 240 or 360 would be nicer (though opinions differ here).

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On 5/3/2023 at 11:37 AM, Lennie said:

I'm happy to see that you have given them a chance! 

If I was not a snail guy, like @Guppysnail, I would def try some loaches as well.

Yoyos in my LFS are SOOO small 😄 They look adorable.

would love to see some pics if you'd like to share some day

They are hard to photo but I can give it a try when I can catch 
them out & about, they like to stay hid most the time but every 
now & then they do come out & roam the aquarium to find food.

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On 5/3/2023 at 6:10 PM, anewbie said:

As a general rule like most boita they should be kept in a group of at least 5 (the more the better) and they can develop bad social behavior if not kept in a group. Unfortunately yoyo do get fairly large over  a couple of years and would require a decent size aquarium. zebra loaches are much smaller (not as small as dwarf loaches) but are also a lot more shy; dwarf loaches are still smaller - a group of 10 in a 40B is a sight - and they are not very shy and extremely active. Clown loaches are wonderful but a group of 10 would require at least a 180 and 240 or 360 would be nicer (though opinions differ here).

"As a general rule" rules are made to be broken, with the 2 I have they have 
been getting along with no problem, they work the tank either together or 
they go their own way to search for food, I have plenty of hiding places for 
them. They have a certain place in the tank where they hide together for hrs.

I picked them for the snails where they didn't take over the whole aquarium 
none of those you talked about doesn't do that, I know how big they get &
that's another reason why I got just 2 of them for a 75 gal tank & when I get 
a 65 gal tank I'm getting 2 more & I'll have them some hiding places too.

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On 5/4/2023 at 6:00 AM, Flying fox 6523 said:

"As a general rule" rules are made to be broken, with the 2 I have they have 
been getting along with no problem, they work the tank either together or 
they go their own way to search for food, I have plenty of hiding places for 
them. They have a certain place in the tank where they hide together for hrs.

I picked them for the snails where they didn't take over the whole aquarium 
none of those you talked about doesn't do that, I know how big they get &
that's another reason why I got just 2 of them for a 75 gal tank & when I get 
a 65 gal tank I'm getting 2 more & I'll have them some hiding places too.

I'm going to disagree here but i've kept them for years and years and not a short period. Come back in 5 years and lets talk about it.

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On 5/4/2023 at 7:22 AM, anewbie said:

I'm going to disagree here but i've kept them for years and years and not a short period. Come back in 5 years and lets talk about it.

We all have differences in a lot of things & this is no different 
we can learn from others on how others do things that don't 
follow the rules, I'm 1 that learns by doing what others DON'T 
do just cause they say so, you learn by doing your own thing. 

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  • 1 year later...
On 5/2/2023 at 8:07 PM, Guppysnail said:

I’m a diehard snail girl but you make these sound so wonderful even I am interested. 

Sorry I didn't get a chance to respond, I landed in the hosp
a few days after this & didn't get out till Sept of 23 & just 
about died from my gallbladder & Pancreas failing on me.

I'm back on my feet again after a year of recovery 👍 

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On 9/24/2024 at 5:50 PM, Guppysnail said:

Welcome back.  That sounds like a horrible ordeal. So glad you are doing better. 

It's been a h3ll of a year getting back on my feet again, a lot of people 
& hosp staff that stayed on top of me didn't think I was going to make it.

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