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My name is Chuck, and I'm new here! I have been working in IT for a long, long time and have lately been thinking I need a change in my life. I remembered how I used to love going into Fish Shops as a kid, and I had a smallish (40Gal Long) tanks with some cichlids about 5-6 years ago, but ultimately had to give them away due to a move. I bought myself a 20Hal high tank to start learning planted tanks and will be stocking it with some guppies, cherry shrimp, and a snail or two (really love rabbit snails).

I have made the decision that I want to get out of IT, and open my own business. At first I wasn't sure about what kind of store but after pondering for a while, I stumbled upon Cory's videos and currently I would love to open up a fish shop! It seems crazy, as I don't have any tanks set up currently, but I've been researching a lot, learning a lot, and am in no way jumping right in. This will be 2-3 years down the road probably. Baby steps. 🙂

I look forward to having wonderful conversations with you all, and learning more and more as time goes by. Thanks!! 🙂


PS: Pic 1 is the new tank, and yeah, I'm a LEGO and Star Wars nerd. 🙂  Pic 2 is my old cichlid tank from years ago.



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On 3/22/2023 at 1:49 PM, John Henry said:

Got any water in your 20 G yet?  Post a pic when you get it set up.

Not quite yet. Waiting on lighting, heater, and filter from Co Op that should be here Monday! 🙂 Need to go shopping for hardscape this weekend too.

On 3/22/2023 at 2:05 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Welcome to the forum! Ever thought of a Star Wars themed tank? 😜

I have, but I may wait until I am more experienced.  I'd rather not run into some toy or other item leeching toxins into the water and not know what I am doing. 🙂

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Welcome to the Forums!

On 3/18/2023 at 5:43 PM, g0nk said:

PS: Pic 1 is the new tank, and yeah, I'm a LEGO and Star Wars nerd. 🙂  Pic 2 is my old cichlid tank from years ago.

Regarding your plan to change focus in your career, that's awesome.  Cory has definitely inspired some inner confidence and strength in myself to push for a better career and hopefully get there one day.  I have had ideas and thoughts right along the line of yours.  There's nothing around here with the type of quality and care the hobby really deserves.  There is a market for it, but just not a business setup for those things.  Ironically saltwater tanks in the desert seem to be the push for tank maintenance and for the one LFS available.  $$$$ I imagine, of course.

Such a great scene, fantastic movie, and what a wonderfully made bit of cinema.  (speaks to me about the journey I'm on too!)

Probably the most star wars scene of all time (for me) and one of those things I'll always pause my breathing for a second when it comes up...


Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 3/18/2023 at 8:43 PM, g0nk said:


My name is Chuck, and I'm new here!


Welcome in! Many friendly people here with lots of knowledge. I’m happy that you’re finding goals that make you happy. I look forward to any tank/fish pictures you want to share. 


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On 3/22/2023 at 11:05 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Welcome to the forum! Ever thought of a Star Wars themed tank? 😜

Oooh imagine a shell dweller both Hoth tank!

You could have white sand and some walkers (can't remember if it's ATAT or ATST). And shellies would make the snowdrifts.

On 3/22/2023 at 11:15 AM, g0nk said:

I'd rather not run into some toy or other item leeching toxins into the water and not know what I am doing.

You could 3D print some stuff and maybe leave gaps for rocks to hold them down. Based on my experience also working in tech I'm guessing there's a decent chance you have a 3D printer.

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