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Ivanacara adoketa

Stephen Zawacki

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I have a pair I keep at 76-78F. I have read that they don't like high temps, but I cannot confirm whether or not that is true, nor do I know what is meant by 'high temps'. But, mid to upper 70s has been working for me. 

They eat pretty much anything that slowly sinks. Their favorite and preference in my experience is Hikari Vibra bites. They also like live black worms and my cull neocaridina shrimp. 

They like lower Ph levels and can withstand all the way down to the mid 4s. I keep mine between 4.5 and 5.5. I'm raising fry right now and am experimenting with raising the Ph to 6.6 - 6.8 with them. My guess is they will do fine in the 6s. 

They also appreciate a more dimly lit environment with some sort of canopy of leaves.

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One of fish in my bucket list. Haven't kept them but from what I've read they are very aggressive towards each other and they are normally found in super soft acidic water. 

They will do fine in harder water if they're not wild caught. But if you want to breed them then you'll have to make their own water.

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They can be very aggressive towards each other until a pair forms; but they are pair forming and therefore not aggressive towards each other during breeding cycle with both parents helping to care for the kids. Not sure if they form pair for life or just until things no longer work. They can be extremely aggressive towards other fishes even when not breeding so probably not the best fish to keep with 'dithers' or tank mates. hard water is bad for their long term health

Edited by anewbie
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